
Comments of chapter undefined of Unlucky?Player

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Well we finally got to see his darkness skills and they are a total disappointment. When he was level 50 the top players were doing 10,000 damage. Here he is twice that level with supposedly overpowered skills that the devs consider game breaking. Only they deal subpar damage and don't seem to have any debuffs. I'm going to skip ahead and see what the benefits the new class will grant him. Hopefully they will make his darkness abilities worth the huge cost he had to pay to play his currently gimped character.

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Well I'm not sure how to put a spoiler tag so here's a warning. Spoiler below ...................................................................................................................................... I don't know if he unlocked the next class but luckily it seems that the author realized the mc needed a boost so he gave him an additional element. Not much synergy and kind of boring but it's a step in the right direction.


um. why does he have no heal potions or spells or regen. this is a game still right?

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thanks- and nice chapter! rq question though! What's the upload schedule for this series?