
Comments of chapter undefined of Vampire Reborn

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Beautifully done.

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Ok so I've just caught up and I absolutely love this book so far. How you've been writing it has been really interesting and unique and above all that just really enjoyable and good quality. But despite all of that I do have one critique, and it has to do with that last fight. I've been noticing that Alucard has been using spells and abilities that we've never seen. I understand that he has been training and has an intimate knowledge of the games systems, but I just find it odd that the main suspense, and the way he won the fight was with abilities we've never seen, and have no idea what they do. take limit burst for example. I know what that does in theory but I have actually no clue what it does in this context. Which matters a lot because a big part of that fight was him dealing with the negatives of something we don't know the positives of. And another example of having not enough knowledge was when he was throwing out words like 2nd and 3rd teir spells. again I can sort of figure out what this means through context but it has absolutely no weight to it because I don't know the scale. how many tiers are there? what's the difference in power between them? I'm not asking for a lore dump. all I'm asking for is at least surface level knowledge of the system and how it works. Because I believe that would give more weight and more investment to when the Mc or anyone else uses or says an ability. Honestly at least base level knowledge of the old game's systems would be great, because it would allow us to understand what the Mc is doing better, and also allow us to appreciate the differences along with him. And now that I'm at the end I'll just say again that I am loving this story so far. It has been a refreshing breath of air. I also believe that the things I listed here are not explicitly bad or porely done. I just wanted to express my opinion and try and give some useful critique. I apologize if this wasn't helpful and I also apologize for this monolith of a comment. And thank you if you took the time to read this

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I think he overcooked his meal ...that's gotta suck...more for the worms I guess (;

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these fight scenes are spectacularly written

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finally caught up on this one now i just have to do the same with demon system

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One of the best written out fights on here in my opinion, Love the book keep up the great work Drip

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Merci pour le chapitre beau combat

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feel happy every time we get a chapter :D

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you doing exams too. I'm supposed to be revising but I'm here instead. if you know you gonna fail at least fail with style

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Thanks for the chapter

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I love how you write fight scenes

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Thanks for the chapter