
Comments of chapter undefined of The Prince and The Pirate


V&D was a beautiful story with so many challenges they had to overcome together. I enjoy I&M but it's a different kind of story altogether. You do wonderful work by getting us to see through the eyes of each character. I enjoy both books but D&V wins at this point.

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Delaney and Vincent are my favorite . I love how she never gave up on him, and she was willing to do anything to save him. They love runs deep. But I'm excited to see what happens with Mace and Ilona.

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The story between Delaney and Vincent is so raw and beautiful. When I first started MOHH I loathed Delaney. She was so selfish and her actions so ugly. And Vincent and his desire to be so selfless throughout the whole thing drew me in. And then seeing Delaney mature and grow into a truly beautiful person grew on me. Her humbleness to realize her actions and words that cut him. And their ability to forge on with love and forgiveness. Everybody loves a good redemption arc šŸ˜‰ Mason and Ilona are exciting and they're ability to trust and learn to love is very beautiful. They are like a team, the way they are learning to come together and continue leaning on eachother. I love their story too! But definitely Delaney and Vincent. The emotions there are just all too real. Either way, you're an amazing author and I look forward to seeing what you write in the future!

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Mace really grew on me as his character evolved and I really like his and Ilonaā€™s story so far, but hands down Delaney and Vincent. They had me hook, line and sinker.

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Oh that's a hard one for me šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Mason and Illonas story is adventurous and sweet and shows growth in their characters. But Vincent and Delaney I will say is my favorite. I think her voice for him despite what he thinks is so strong and the ending how she was willing to go through all of that for him. As much as I love both stories their story would have to be my favorite, her loving his heart and looking past his appearance as everyone else sees him.

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While I loved D&Vā€™s story I am thrilled with I&Mā€™sā£ļø They have come so far & are still growing and have so much more to do! What about the kingship & the imprisoned siblings? More island & pirate adventures for sureā€¼ļø

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Not to sure I can answer this question as of yet. Thereā€™s ā€™ still a story going. And have we all forgotten about Ian?


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Anjaā€™s story. Does she have a secret love somewhere or does her heart belong to the sea, her children, and Captain Black.