
Comments of chapter undefined of Practicing Basic Sorcery for Billions of Times Made Me Invincible


oof idk how to feel about this chapter Natasha was finally starting to not be as easy to hate but this development seems pretty sudden. she was growing mature but instantly flipped bc of not getting her way? ehh guess I will wait and see the explanation


This one actually tops the chart, in naruto system in one piece the mc gets on an island and was asked to help kill a locally famous pirate and the chief of the village promised to gift his daughter to the mc if he's successfully. The mc was like ok the girl was like you pervert lecher I'd rather die than marry you. During his entire stay on the island for over 1 month she abuses and insults him at any chance she gets while he just keeps silent and has a very harmonious relationship with another girl. Now after the battle against the pirate which he obviously won the chief comes again and says I promised to Marry her to you she's like who wants to Marry you, the other girl walks to the mc and hugs him and the girls dad was like I also decided to give my daughter to him, the mc decided not to choose anyone that spiteful bitch rans away crying and her dad was like she has always been in love with you blablablah and the mc was like I can't choose any of them I would hurt the other and I can't reject her in front of others it will hurt her feelings. He went after her and she's still like you pervert you lecher who wants to Marry go to her leave me alone. I was like?¿??? ¿????? ¿ That was the last time I read that novel so my advice if the author steers a novel in the direction you don't like just move on to the next novel besides this particular novel is a translation it's already been written and most people actually enjoy it sees nothing wrong with it. If a large majority of readers actually think or reason the way you do the authors wouldn't have written it this way,

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The chapters are definitely out of order.


I was reading today and it seems the author is trying to either fix the previous chapters or maybe he made a mistake with the number of the chapters well time will tell


??? what the heck happened with the continuity of the story in the next chapter ?. not to mention the large amount of potholes in the story . But really what the heck happens between now and the next chapter it's just a huge disconnect ....


Just ignore chapter 167,159, and 158


ive paused reading for right now since right after this it jumps forward a ton




cant wait for the next update


next chapter pls? lol