
Comments of chapter undefined of Alien Evolution System


I just had a thought, what if Kui is using his high level of Flow to essentially accelerate his brain. This would give him the needed processing power to overthrow the Collector’s own mental prowess. I dont think we’ve seen The Collector try it, since they’ve never had a need for it, but its the only thing that makes sense for a mere tinkerer to be able to surpass the literal pinnacle of evolutionary perfection

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Thanks for the chapter! I guess Kui is going to be providing an inadvertent training session of deadly proportions.

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if the collector gets a teacher then the world should fear for their future

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Btw Author I have a question for you. Will he gain psionic immunity? I mean, since he would have reached quite a high level or evolution at the end of the story but once he returns to the universe he was in before then it would be too boring and disappointing if the collective can just take over his mind and get a powerful puppet for free... So what I mean to ask is if he gains the psionic immunity unwillingly or just as a side effect of reaching a certain stage of strength or evolution so that he gains true independence from the collective since if he doesn’t have that type of immunity then the collective can just easily take him over which is just unfair to the collectors hard work to gain strength to fight the END. (And if you don’t give him that kind of immunity then the character development of the collector would basically be meaningless since he would be a puppet of the collective anyway once he returns or if the collective invades the world y'know what I’m trying to say?)


The collectors growth will be monstrous if he gets to learn Kuis martial arts... We haven’t even seen the peak of the collectors evolutionary level but imagine what kind of level he will reach once he reaches level 100 or beyond even that. So I’m quite curious what kind of mind boggling abilities and strength he will have once he reaches that level... Btw thanks for the capter!!

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Chapters like these feel great.

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Thanks for the chapter!

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