
Comments of chapter undefined of Alien Evolution System


these chapters suck. if you're going to humanize the collector you could've done a better job through the demon girl. if the collector is going to kill everything these people don't matter.

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Going off on the creators thought. I think it’ll be best to leave the gods to a later Arc in the story. They are the equivalent to last bosses. Should be saved for the climax. It’ll be interesting if the collector gets snips and clues about the gods. After all, they are the rulers of the present day world. The collector wants information about them. They are to be mysterious and almighty, granting privileges to subjects in return for prayers and devotion. At this point of the story that you’ve presented so far, i assume they are humans that have reached a pinnacle of magical state. After slaying the Dragons, monopolizing the powers of the world for their gain to solidify their seat into true divinity. They are still false gods hence they need prayers and devotion. I also recall the strange energy that the collector felt abnormal about since the intial contact. Going back to the first god in the introduction, i visualize him more of the “god” who is a guardian etc. I’m sure im wrong but it’s just a train of thought. After all one god did smite him down when the collector was at peak performance, regardless if he’s the strongest or just one out of the few gods. I guess i’m trying to say, keep the suspense going. These are all just my own speculations. Don’t show us the full cards or even half yet. It is your story so i’ll leave it to you. This is only a suggestion and not to be taken seriously. Keep up the good work!

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I wonder what the goddess of war is playing. I would like to read a chapter from the PoV of gods. We don't even know if they aware WHAT killed their head(probably) of the pat reon

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looks like the dragon is going to gift a free body to our collector.

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Gonna be real, my first thought upon seeing Valtr, and further hearing his description. Was Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

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lots of creatures for our mc to eat and assimulate

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yo prefiero que te centres en el coleccionista y que vaya tomando pistas de los dioses a lo largo de su viaje

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A timely feast! Acceptable.

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Most likely a magical beast? There’s foreshadowing to it.

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I thought they were talking about the collector but it seems it’s a new character... a new prey.. heh heh..


Where is the mc? I want to see him evolve, he has been dragging it out way too long.


I think a God pov would be really cool!