
Comments of chapter undefined of God of Tricksters


Answer is A, some people turn bad not because of their nature but the circumstances force them to.


His clone doesn't have his outfit? If it does then why not the mask? Even more so since nothing indicated the mask was a mask with any special properties that might prevent it from also being clones. Secondly if he didn't have a second disguise for his clone then it means the trap young master saw his real appearance when he tried to throw him off with his clone previously and has no need to "figure out" who he is since he saw him clear as day when he summoned a clone without disguise.

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there will always be bad guys, if all the bad guys are defeated, you merely have to wait, and new bad guys will appear to replace the old

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this mucus is useful for making traps, think with me. throw a balloon full of this thing in the enemy's face he will try to cut it, but due to this the mucus falls on the weapon and successively on the sword hilt, he thinks, of course it is just a trick and moves towards the mc and when it will deliver the blow the gun slides out of the hand and ... death. Of course, that was only the first thing that came to my mind while writing this review, but it is to do a lot of traps and tricks to incapacitate your enemies, how to make him slip when he tries to advance and etc ...


Well if we're talking about this realistically. Good and bad or rather, black and white sounds ridiculous. Considering that the people that inhabit the world aren't exactly black and white but grey. And I say that because not everyone is entirely good but neither are they entirely evil. Let's humor that idea that people could be separated into two categories. Who decides what is good and bad? I'm certain everyone has some sort of difference on matter of Good People and Bad People. But if we're going to somehow split people to literally Bad and Good somehow then bad people would just crop up like weeds in a garden again.


wait... where is the mischief? the trickery? the undying schemes?



I believe that the answer is D, that one cannot exist without the other, because the universe is built on a system of balances. As there is light, darkness will be so. Without darkness, the concept of light cannot exist. With life comes death, good and evil, yin and yang, and heaven and earth. Only with balance may the universe function as it should.


There is no good or bad people. Just people surviving based on what they believe is right for them and their family. Those that share morals and ethics that fall into the majority are perceived as good or right. Those that share moral and ethics that fall into the minority are considered bad or wrong. But that does not make people inherently good or bad. The idea of living in perfect harmony where everyone does what they are supposed to and all are equals only exists in hive societies.


There is no such thing as a bad guy. There are people that can do monstrous things, but even then, those people have people who would look to them as heros. every one is the hero of their own tale, meaning that even if the world was filled with people that only wanted to do good, on the eyes of others there will always be a "bad guy." simply because humans have the ability to think, one person might see kindness as helping the elderly and orphaned, while another may think to kill the elderly and orphaned to save them from suffering. in short humans are the strangest and most extreme animals known to exist.


E the story will end


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


the world probably wouldnt survive being good isnt always the better option. if the world population didnt deplete due to bad deeds, then famines could occur. there are many other examples but im too lazy to list them also being good depends on what the individual considers as good. if a group thinks that not killing animals is good then the animal population would increase which could threaten the humans in an indirect way


Author, Even if all the bad guys were removed from this world, mankind is not so simple. Each and every one of us are fueled by desires. These self same desires are what make others act in cruelty. In short there will always be someone despicable.


D/E: You've heard the phrase "Where there is light the will be shadow. The brighter the light shines the darker the shadow becomes". Also good and bad are completely subjective per person and time. Lets say someone steals some bread, this is considered bad as taking without contribution(which is basically what money is a representation of) is bad, however that person stole that bread to feed their starving family which can be considered good as they are doing it for the 'right' reasons. Never mind the fact that in the past it was okay to keep slaves, 'good' even, or it was considered 'bad' to be homosexual. There's so many other examples that its not even funny but basically there will always be good and bad as they are subjective terms used to help fit the actions of other into our own perspective of what the world and are as fickle as the wind.


Even if he somehow eliminated all "bad" people conflict would arise immediately afterwards between the "good" people because of humanity's greed, and this would turn the "good" people involved into "bad" people because good and bad is all subjective. Most people live their whole lives believing that what they are doing is right and that they are good, but that can't possibly be true for everyone, or there would already be no "bad" people. One more issue, eventually a new generation of humanity would be born and there is no way to guarantee that all children born will be "good," even if they have good parents.


i think 🤔 D will be right answer like light and shadow(darkness)😔


Gracias - Thanks


a world with only good people would be so boring


Answer A


A simply because their is no light if there is no darkness only existence