
Comments of chapter undefined of Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+


he is a well-balanced character, it's very rare to see this kind of mc, thank you for letting us know that such mc exist.

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His wonderful, he is strong but does not let his strength and knowledge get to his head and cause mayhem. I would like it if he has more gentlemanly side during peacetime and teach his people his sense of value. It also wouldn't hurt to make him more scheming as long as it is for the sake of his, his family and his peoples safety


I love him. He's OP, but not single handedly slaughtering armies OP, and he isn't insanely smart either. Plus he's got enough restraint to show some modern morals and not chase every skirt, yet isnt a closed off edge lord who isn't effected at all by the advances of pretty women. Only downside is he doesn't seem to have a driving ambition. Would like to see him Aim towards the throne as an end goal eventually

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Author, well your mc is good, not perfect but good. Your the author, so your not duty bound to please anyone who criticize your work. Its yours, Do whatever you want, if the readers don't like it, who cares, remember not everyone dislike your fanfic. Some people read your fanfic bcoz they liked it. There's some issue in the grammar and spelling so you improve it, about the plot its yours, so just do what you wantšŸ¤—

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I love the mc he a well rounded character for this story please dont change

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everything is good and all...but I like him to have his own territory not under anyone...well you can give him iron islandšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰

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interesting mc op but not to overbearing but ge needs an ambition like bringing law and order to the world

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The MC has simple dreams of being a lord, a castle, lands, a wife (who knows politics), his women (who warm his bed) and the fundamental thing is to fight, love the killing according to his character. Do not change the way of being of him is what makes him unique. If you need help with the story, we will all be happy to give you advice. Greetings from Argentina

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good very gooood, the best mc in all GOT fan-fic i ever read!!!!!!!!!

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MC is what you aspect from thrilling movie. He has everything that made me want to read this story everyday .


Good story

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Mc is good in overall quality that is he is not just chasing skirt but also not leaving opportunity when skirt comes towards him. he is a great fighter bit overall op as in one man army, ge has with him good knight which squried under him and more squrie who will be knighted by him after or during war which will give him his own power base. i think the only downside is that you have not shown mc ambition and cunningness but that can be improved after he got is land which you are not telling us šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” so just tell us men the suspense is killing us šŸ¤£šŸ¤ 


not good

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I genuinely like how he dosent abuse his knowledge and just deals with things as they come. he has a rather common protagonist trope in the for of being problem bound but his methods make it enjoyable. I also am enjoying the two faced aspec to him with the warrior Supreme and the modern man and how they contradict some actions but don't tie him down in a bad way just makes him a even more human person

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Honestly Iā€™m enjoying the story as a whole. I find that each author brings something new to each story. This MC isnā€™t going nuts making changes but instead using predestined things to make his moves so as to survive. its a fresh take on this so noce!


Pretty cool mc. I really like how adventurous he is, and am really looking forward to when he finally gets his keep and develops the land around it.


im just here to read bro why so many questions


He might be the most boring person alive... the worst part is that he's a simp who knows he's a simp because he doesn't learn from his mistakes


Honest to his feelings. Sometimes bit too easygoing to survive in GoT.


And remember author not all the people that like your story will coment about it wi that like your story just are waiting for net chapters the haters will write more coments cust they think they now best were in reality they donā€™t now how to write so you keep doing youā€™re story how your been doing it till now


I love your story and your character he is strong but not overwhelming and for me all that you have done till now is original So keep up the good work !!!!!šŸ‘šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘