
Comments of chapter undefined of Isekai Underdog

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He probably should have just sent the guy flying out of the ring instead of himself... also wouldn't Silver Dusk be better then Silver Sunset?

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I would also suggest Eve if dusk is a no go, and if sunset is supposed to be the female of the pair. Short for Evening and works well as a name. Either way its your story just my naming sensibilities don't like sunset as a name though you and I do have similar naming sense, The story I am writing the main character is named Crimson and his father is Silver

Eleraan:Funny you say that, they were originally Dusk in my very first outline. Name was changed... for reasons. A ring out was an option but didn't think he'd settle for that type of win or he'd have just shanked him with the spear. Plus this lets him show off more, hopefully he isn't going too overboard. Thanks for all the feedback, I appreciate it a ton!

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Thanks for the chap