
Comments of chapter undefined of Inhuman Warlock


Too bad, the last saga was good, but this one started badly. Lucifer can also take advantage of this "curse" of the reset... He could now go back, know everything that the mysterious man would say, and with many try to understand and have the possibility to catch him (discovering a few things at a time, not it's impossible). Then as I have already said in other comments, the powers are slipping from the hand of the author, and each saga instead of being empowered, Lucifer becomes more and more stupid and scarce. In short, I do not drop the story, I criticize it because I like it, the fact that I have reached this chapter is more than enough proof, I hope it does not get worse.


It is either a plot mistake that he did not go back in time or maybe he can stay for a few seconds. He should have been sent back.


Thanks for the chapters