
Comments of chapter undefined of SPELLBOUND


OMG OMG I don't like this future picture that is painted. a Evie world without gav how crucial 😧 a son and daughter 😲😍


Seems like the future is a heart wrenching one, full of challenges and heartaches brought about by the war. My heart is delighted and broken at the same time to see a mini-Gav and that he has a sister too but Mother is headed for war. And where is Gavriel now? Did he head South first?( that I hope) What's more to see in the future? Should we be scared? I'm so proud of our Queen Evie though, as she's come this far( in the future) but I feel so broken that she's like alone. How will the darkness end? Praying that Gav is still there🙏🙏🙏 Kudos Kazzen, you got me crying again 😭😭 thankies for the chapters💕


Evie is seeing the future and she has a boy and girl. Did she has twins? When she tells everyone what’s going to happen in the future they will all be shock to hear about it. Will they be able to handle it or perhaps they will change the future, so that won’t happen?


woah!!!! what a chapter! my heart is broken with Evie as she watch this scene and it's probably the future. it's so heartbreaking, to think this is only a vision of Evie. i hope they will do everything to change this and if they happen to change it, they will still have their children and Onyx.


I’m so confused on the timing. A war is coming, but it isn’t this one in her vision. It’s too far in time. And 2 kids for Evie? Will they ever get that time of peace? Where is Gav, Gideon and all the others?


Gav isn't there anymore and she has a son and a daughter



I'm soooo needing a mass release!! The suspense is killing me!!! 😳


Wow, it's as though we are given a taste of the endearing and powerful scenes from this stories future...? will it actually come to be or can Evie take this information and bring a hault to the deaths of her many lived ones??? one thing is certain, this has left the author with and endless number of updates to look forward to! Hopefully this is not what will actually prevail in the story, but even though I wish for a much brighter outcome which is more closely in line with the way things are right now in the story as far as who is still involved and alive, This is written beautifly and and the entire scene gave me chills and then brought tears to my eyes...as always Kazzenlx, we love you and thank you for your continued hard work and acknowledgement of your fan base! your efforts are far from wasted as I hope that we convey our support and gratitude through these comments, unlocking chapters, gifts, buying the steeply priced privilege, power stones and golden tickets! In a world full of defeat and ugliness you are a constant ray of light to warm our hearts!


It looks like this war will last for years. Will they be able to change their future? I don’t know 😰😭😭😭


maybe Gav and Onyx is one now. i can only hope that🤧


Kazzen, I know you know what a bunch of crying women look like.... don't do this to us. How sad, Gav will to just have to think of something.


😭😭 Please let this vision be able to be changed 🙏🙏 From the sound of it it seems both Vera and Evie lost their loves. But I didnt think Gideon could go and Vera survive 🤔 To many questions and 🤞 that the heartbreak that sounds like what hit her can change or not be completely what happens. I want Evie, Gav and everyone else to have a happy ever after


Ahhhhhhh I can't omh this future is really so heart breaking 💔 ahhh where is my Gav and also all my amazing squad Vampires ahhhhhhh not I do t accept this future I so sad ican imagine how much Evie has to suffer is she lost her husband and also all the people she love ahhhhh my heart really can with so much sadness 😔 😟 🙁 please let this be an alternative future 💔 ahhhh maybe they can change all of this 💔 bit how ahhh the only this that I like is that now I know that she is pregnant with twins but thats the only thing. Thanks for the chapter kazzen you let me with so muc sadness 😔 😟 🙁 😥 😞 Keep Voting SPELLBOUNDERS ❤ 💙 💜


what is this..... it is confusing if Gav and others are not there than there is nothing to read 😐 how can all of them be died it doesn't make sense


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair


What the frick? Where is Gav? This is obviously far in the future if their child is a teenager and there is another child or history is repeating itself literally


Omg omg omg i cant even😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair


Kazzen, you Rock. What a past life (reincarnation) Thriller this is. Is past events repeating itself? Have all the key players of the past returned (reincarnated)in this Now Moment to complete what was left unfinished in a far gone previous life cycle - that light will triumph and encompass darkness seamlessly. The description of the battle scenes are awesome, reminds me of Hellbound. It’s no accident that Gavriel found the bow, he intuitively knew where it was,as he was there in the past. Would be interesting if the light fay queens daughter is Beatrice or Zanya. In her past life Evie had two children. Will she give birth to twins in this lifetime?. Onyx’s eyes may have changed over a period due to the changing planetary environmental landscape. It is said that throughout human history key players who have worked together, from a bygone era, would resurface as a group to complete a specific mission. Kazzen, I am looking forward to the update, thanks for this thriller of a storyline - you rock.