
Comments of chapter undefined of SPELLBOUND


I want to know how they can trigger the mating bond. not really interested in vera and Gideon at this moment. 😊


Curious as to what Claudius has to say on triggering the mating bond? But I hope it won't harm Evie. I believe the Queen won't allow it to happen should if it's gonna be bad for Evie. But if it's doable, why not. But will the triggering of the mating bond have some consequence on Gav and Evie? Should they just lead everything to it's course? Although I understand Evie's worries, I love that the Queen is doing her best in making Evie be calm and feel that she is the one and only mate for her son. I can't bare the thought too that Gavy does have a different mate 🥺 Now what could've happen if Evie touches the bow again? I wonder what she's seeing too..I mean those flashes..is it the past or the future? thankies for the chapters💞Keep on voting Spellbounders 😎


Oh so much going on now. I want Evie to touch the bow again & know what she is seeing. I want to know about the mating bond being triggered. I want to know why the King think something is going to happen differently when he takes Gav & Evie to the Abyss. Also why no arrows were found for the bow, How did it get in the abyss? Of course interested in Gideon & Vera. And your right we have heard anything on Leon & Zanya for awhile, but I figure they will show as the abyss erupts......I know I've miss something 😉


How do they trigger this mating bond? So can it be only between a destined mate? Or cannit be triggered to test if the link is there? I need Gav to show up now so Evie can touch the bow again. And I need Claudius to talk fast before that happens!


I hope Claudius can help them, poor Evie, she must feel awful. Somehow I am thinking, the bow belonged to her. I know I am the odd one out but I miss Gid and Vera lol.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Ahhhh so many things are going on but now one of the more important is the bond jejeje I know this worry 😟 😰 so much Evie but be patient dear I'm 100% sure that you and Gav are mate because everything 💙 around yours is taking both of you together you know how much your father in law did for you and Gav to ne be together again after Gav returned the time but in the end you both still feel in love and married ahhh so destiny is on favor of you too. So now about the bow I'm more certain that is your dear but I'm so curious to know what imagine did you see maybe could be about your past life, but why did the last daughter of light leave the bow in the Abyss and where are the arrows 🏹. or maybe you created them with your magic yes this really makes sense to me there is not arrows you are the one who created them with your magic. Thanks for the chapter kazzen so good 👍 😊 Keep Voting SPELLBOUNDERS ❤ 💙 💜


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


Please Kazzen if Claudius is right with trigger the mating bond please let Evie and Graveal and Graviel be mates. So that Evie mind and heart will be at ease.


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


I'm always up for anything to do with Gideon and Vera of course. Someone else I want to know more about is the light fae and Leon! The two Gavs have got to become one at some point.


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


Well, I think I have a pretty good idea what is going on in that love nest! 😘 I’m thinking with sho much going on with the abyss, we are close to something big that is going to need Gideon’s help, pulling from that nest. So, after the impending crisis is over…Gideon may need a healthy dose of Vera! That may be a good time for a stealthy visit from us shameless peepers! 😉❤️😘


I wonder how can you triggered a mate bond? Now Claudius you got all of us curious about it? Let see what he will say and what will happen


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


why are doubtful evie???


This bow is going to be the weapon they need for this war, I just feel it. And yes more Giddy & Vera of course, but definitely love seeing this situation unfold.


Ooh! Will Evie see what Vera saw during her mating bond?


I think Evie is the reincarnation of the ancient light fae queen who fell in love with a dark fae (which reincarnated to Gav)? And because of that, MAYBE their mating bond has been triggered since a long long time ago so that's why it's not triggering now. This is only what I think lol