
Comments of chapter undefined of SPELLBOUND

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so glad he sees he needs her, she was already his. Merry Christmas


I'm glad it's Vera that's on Gideon's mind and heart!❤️And swoons at the "I can no longer let you go," part!😍 Having said that means he's now willing to be with her and letting her be part of his life... meaning there'd be a change in his plans too?( I sure hope so🙏🙏) with Gideon having realized all these, did that mean he never experienced such things with Leah?😲 She wasn't his mate then? Was this one of the reasons of her dea th? Or is it possible that they are mates, and Gideon at that time was the rejecting party,and Leah suffered the consequence? Although it is rare, would it be possible too to have met two mates in a fae's life?🤔 thankies for the chapters darling💕They're getting intense every chapter❤️ We'll stick by you like a glue🤭😂🤣😘 keep on voting Spellbounders 😎

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Kazzen, Have No Doubt!!! We Will Be Here As Long As You're Here!!! Much Love and Merry Christmas!!!


I‘m wondering now since we know that Leah spirit is in Vera when they complete the mating bond will Vera start having memories from Leah prior life?? Will Vera start acting more like Leah??? So much to look forward to. ❤️❤️❤️


I wonder if Leah had made the bond with Gideon before Leah died & if they did I wonder what will happen to Vera & Gideon.😅


i see why Gideon's afraid but this chapter was so heartwarming and i'm so happy for Vera.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

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This Is Me!🤯😅


OMG .....I'm so happy ....Congratulations Gideon you got your mate our lovely Vera so can't die ...be happy 💘💘💘💘💘

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Aww, I’m happy that Gideon can ’t stay away from Vera now. Great chapter! Merry Christmas to all!

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


They are mates!!! And Gideon is not going to let her go!!! I am so happy he finally recognized it! Gideon is worried what will happen to her when the darkness consumed him. But I think she will be the reason why the darkness won’t consume him. They need to work with Gav, Evie, Bilial and Beatrice to solve this problem with the abyss of darkness.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


Ahhhh I can be more happy than I'm now so happy for them ☺ 😊 🤗 💓 the love all the time triumph yes yes ❤ but also now I'm more worry about both of them because Godeon is so sure that he has to die if he want that all the demons returned to the abys of darkness but if they really obey him why he has to sacrifice himself is not more easy to say go away jejeje I know that is not as easy I'm saying but if just my thoughts jejeje, But finally he understood that he and her are bond together so he can't control his sentiment just I love the last phrase I can't let you go yes yes I was waiting for this for so long now I can't wait for the chapter where she will says I never planned to leave you alone no matter what hahaha Good lord. Thanks for the chapter kazzen, Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 my dearest SPELLBOUNDERS ❤ another Christmas together. Keep Voting SPELLBOUNDERS ❤ 💙 💜


Complicated is an understatement here! I love that Gideon is in love with Vera, but just who is "Vera" exactly? 🤨 Is she Vera with part of Leah... or is she a whole reborn version of Leah but has no memory of being "Leah" in a past life? If Vera is indeed Leah reborn and Leah used forbidden magic to make this possible, what are the end consequences? I'm thinking wayyyyy too deeply into this right now and it's causing me to have mixed feelings and I'm now unsure if this actually is a good thing ? If Queen Beatrice's theory is correct, this could play out in so many different ways. I really hope this results in nothing but happiness for Gideon and Vera (Leah?) ugh idk... my brain is hurting! 😂

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So coffee is your weakness ! 🤣 Let us know where we can send coffee money sweet author! We can’t let you run out. What’ your favorite flavor?


Love the story of Vera and Gideon. Vera will save Gideon or they will save each other! ❤️❤️🤗. Thank you dear Kazzen. There is never a dull moment in this book! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


My question is about the bond. If the bond is only for dark faes, what do humans feel? Would Vera feel the effects of the bond as well?