
Comments of chapter undefined of SPELLBOUND


hats off to the author. It's unimaginable to portray gavrael and gavriel at the same time. I wonder how the author has planned to make both of them one . I think again gavrael will have to manipulate time. It's heartbroken for both gav and evie. I can feel their pain.


Gavrael won't ever let Evie go. The fear is coming from that sight of her d e a d. He wouldn't allow that to happen again!! He wants to protect her with all his might, 24/7. I wonder if it's Evie's warmth that assures him that everything will be okay. (but will it be?) I was wondering when Evie's memories will return(will it ever?) If only she knew too, that it's the same person she loved back then. Wouldn't that be great? Poor lovebirds missing out on a lot of things even when they're together. Is there a way for King Belial and Queen Beatrice to visit Gavrael? Can they read his thoughts that their son would like to meet them? Is there a magic for memories to return(Evie's case)?Or is it fixed that when Gavrael left the UnderLand,he can't go back? Thankies for the chapters💕

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Why can’t they just openly speak. That would resolve so much! The other Gavriel was great at communicating and clearing things up. If this Gavrael understood the “other man” is actually him and that she never ran away from him in the first place at least it would calm him down. If Evie knew their history she would at least not fear him anymore. They could figure it all out if they just TALK. lol


I’m grateful that the Fear in this title is his and not hers. Knowing what we now know about both sides of Gav, I am good with him keeping her close. Little bits of something have to eventually break through. We need the opposite of this:


Ahhhhh why they have to pass for all of this they both are suffering so much Evie because she thinks that someone is possessing his hubby body and Gav because he thinks that she I married with someone else both of them have to recuperate their lost memories ahhh they have to be together for the war that is going to explode with the dark Prince now evie father discover that she come back from the forbidden land. thanks for the chapter kazzen. I have a question. How was possible that in the past Evie father was able to go to the forbidden land and he was already possessed for the dark fae and now he can't? Keep voting SPELLBOUNDERS ❤ 💙 💜 my current mood 😒


Now I am over here crying like a baby because I feel for them both. Evie loves Gavriel but is unsure of Gavrael and what is going on. While Gavrael is breaking inside because of everything he went through to get her back and he does not remember that he is the one married to her now. They need to talk 🤦‍♀️ he needs to explain their past and what happened and she needs to tell him they are married. Does he not remember being Gavriel? Or was he "asleep" this whole time inside of Gavriel to only wake up after fighting the dark fae? I an not sure she will ever remember the past since it was a different life and time and when he went back it erased it all. But is there away for him to show her? I just want them to be happy together so that they can reign together and fight together to. She needs to save him from the darkness that is trying to consume him.


Light fae and dark fae together again. Queen and King. History repeating itself like the previous love of the light and dark fae royalty?


Poor thing! I’m ready for both of them to get all of their memories back.


my heart is breaking for both of you Gav and Evie💔💔💔💔💔The longing and pain... 😭😭😭😭😭😭i hope you will have all your memories back fast so that you can love each other without holding back. 😘😘😘😘


i hope they can speak with each other and solve this


So where is Gavriel then? Is He then now sTuck like his soul was? Or does he Have amNesia so that gavriel doesnt exist anymore? Im still a bit confuse….


Is it final Yet that we r getting Mass released on October 1st


When is she going to remember everything. I can’t wait for it.


Can we progress this Omg I want less confusion and more baby making

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Poor Graveal he’s afraid he will lose Evie again . And poor Evie she doesn’t have any memory of this Graveal that she fell in love with . I wonder if something might trigger her memory for her to remember . Also what about Zanya how is it she doesn’t remember Graveal . Is it because when Graveal manipulated time he wiped her memory also???? So much more to uncover and be revealed . Thanks Kazzenlx ❤️♥️


I don't think Gavrael and Gavriel are two different men. Do y'all remember when he was in the dungeon after being poisoned and Evie's blood saved him? He was acting like he didn't know her at first. His eyes were that bright blue at the time. I think he has two personalities. The blue eyed one is his inner dark Fae. I want this to be over and they remember everything somehow 💔

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


ufff..I'm frustrated, in good way, I guess..lol.. 😅🤣🤣 come on please remember & end the heart ache that you both felt..


My heart is breaking all over again. 😭


Gav memory came back from the time he Evie dead body? While his memory from the time he turned back the time is wipe out? Can’t wait....😊 next episode must be so much fun.. because Gav will be on Evie side evey time...