
Comments of chapter undefined of SPELLBOUND


Evie will be the one who will bring back life to this desolate place. we are getting closer and closer to the truth. cant wait to be revealed! thanks author. is there a bonus chap for us? hehehehe


Evie's magical touch is at it again! She is the key to this land. But what's her connection to it? Is there something her family is not telling her (having presented all these things that are new and unbelievable to her)? Her true origins? Or is she one in a million of the Ylvia descent to have possess this? The revelations are coming in one by one and I can't wait for the big reveal.😁 But more than the discovery of what Evie is,I wonder what happened to the place looking so desolate now? Was it because dark fae's took over? I hope not. Was it because it didn't have someone to lead it, hence every creature just gave up on it. Is someone trapped inside the castle? Who's at the castle? But the fact that dragons 🐲are protecting the place still,means there's something in there. Some precious pieces that only the rightful owner can touch(?) I could be wrong,all hunches. Thankies for the chapters💕Vote vote vote my fellow Spellbounders😎


Great chapter Kazzenlx! I wonder who’s in the castle waiting for Evie . I can’t wait to read more ❤️


😱😱the castle and bridge are made of out of the same dragon stone as her necklace! Ah shes turning it amber too! are we going to find out what the princess’s connection is to everything?? Shes from the guardian line but obviously is more special! 😬Cant wait!!!


omg this cliffhanger Evie is so close to finding her true self and the answers to most if not all of her questions 😍


The Light Fae Said She Was Waiting For Evie's Power To Awaken!!! Gave Didn't Read All The Books From His Mother!!! Also He Didn't Tell Evie How He Knew Her!!! How 🤔 Did Gav Survive There When He Was Young??? So Many Questions!!! So Much More Time!!! Thank You Kazzenlx!!! This Keeps Getting Better and Better!!!


She has been here before and its her thake will bring this place back to life. can’t wait to see what or WHOM she was in her past life or as a child that had been lost/hidden from her memories.


Ohhh no boy what is going on ahhh I'm waiting for evie to discover who is she exactly and how she ended forgetting everything ahhhh I'm so dying to know I can wait for the next chapter ahhhh my dear kazzen why you have as hanging like that ohhhhh. Amazing chapter thanks KazzenlX 😊 🙏 keep Voting SPELLBOUNDERS ❤ 💙 💜


So only those that belong to pass this massive gate can do so. Only special powers can open it, to protect what is on the orher side. What will they find in the dark castle? Will it also glow amber when Evie reaches it?


I am so excited to find out what Evie really is. I know she is guardian of the dragons, but is she the one to bring life to the lands. Is Gavriel going to be there? Is she and Gavriel the true queen and king of this land. There are so many questions to be answered. I can hardly wait!


Another gate and all made of the same moonstone Evie is wearing! So many layers! It feels like Evie is returning home.


Hmmm... what if the castle is FOR Evie? Maybe what that dead, desolate place needs is her. She may be the key to bring the land back to it's magical and beautiful ways! Maybe, she's even some sort of queen over the fairies. So excited to keep seeing what's next! Evie keeps seeing Gavriel alive and well in her dreams but can feel something isn't right with him. I'm really hoping the dark fae wasn't able to possess him! 😭💔 Or, maybe it's just the "monster" version of Gavriel that is just temporary while he's fighting against everything he is- and if that's the case, then reuniting with Evie will bring him back to normal! Kazzen- I've read all of your works except for 'My Future Wife is Androphobic' and only because I'd like to wait until there are more chapters. All of your work is just purely captivating and amazing, but it's also awesome to see your growth as an author with every story you write! I adore you and it really is so awesome that you take the time to like and comment on your fans' comments. Probably sounds soooo corny BUT I'm just gonna put it out there- I can't help but to feel a little special and excited each time I see a like and especially a comment from you on my comments! Haha! Totally fan-girling over here! 🤣🤣🤣 Hugs and kisses 🤗😘💕✨

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I’m on the edge of my seat!!!

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


waiting for the next chapter

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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