
Comments of chapter undefined of Primordial Dimensions


can anyone remind me the name of the planet shane has gone to in the end??

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Smart author, you cant use the title anymore because you literally got rid of it. I am going to guess that initially you didn't want to separate this story into two separate books, or else you wouldn't have named the story after something you were going to get rid of anyway. If I am right, it's cool to see you change the story as the characters and the world grows. Or maybe this was your plan from the beginning which would be interesting because I wonder why you did it this way specifically. Since you risk losing readers for this story's sequel by putting it on a story based hiatus, unless you generate hype for the sequel in Spirit Soul. Which you could do but you would need to go a step further than Jason's cameo in this story because we didn't really see him in action or his soul bounds. ~ I just imagine seeing Shane or one his soul bounds we haven't seen yet just dominate something in Spirit Soul and Kyle has no clue what the thing even is. Yet it has some kind of mark on it that hints at it being Shane's, like Jason's celestial brand on his soul bounds. Then it stays in the story for a while helping Kyle in some way while telling occasional stories about Shane's exploits when he was around Kyle'e level of strength, weaker, or slightly stronger, kind of mentoring Kyle as a cultivator. After that Kyle can kind of do the same, since he has the most wordily experience out of all of the MC's you have written so him giving advice to Shane's Soul Bound about life makes sense. It simultaneously gives us background on Kyle's past life and builds up his character more. Furthermore, it's good because it also builds up the Soul Bound itself as a character and gives readers of this stories' sequel a rough estimate of when it shows up in the sequel based on the stories it tells Kyle. Maybe even throw a curve ball where the Soul Bound starts off as a Slug or some mundane almost harmless creature and ends up becoming a Chameleon with fins. Or something that makes no Biological sense, in terms of adaptation and evolution, but it would throw readers for a loop when they realize this creature that has been around in PD's sequel for a while is the same BA creature from Spirit Soul, its sort of a reward for people who read both. Its just an idea I thought of off the top of my head. ~ Of course its also a very unique situation because I have never seen an author put a story on hiatus for an in universe, of the story, reason. In that way it does good things for this story's sequel and Spirit soul. I am fascinated to see how this turns out and I do hope it all works out in your favor author.


I’m glad there is another “Shane” novel coming, felt like this novel ended way too soon

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Truly phenomenal novel, can't imagine how will people react once the pieces and timelines are put together. 😍

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Wonderful story! I'm looking forward to the next part ...the evolution of his soul bonds..him becoming stronger...the first steps of humankind on their new planet and Shane possibly meeting Megane!...Thank you for your hardwork so far!


When is the second story about Shane and his shenanigans going to be out?


thank you for the awesome story! the next volume I can understand being titled something different, since the primordial dimensions won't exist anymore. I can't wait!

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Hey I am your fan author. Can't wait for the next series for shane xD


I wish I had known this was going to happen before I bought a months worth of privilege yesterday to read the last couple chapters . Lol


Is this the actual end or is there going o be another novel? Did the author say anything about this?


Thanks for the great novel, looking forward to reading the sequal if it has been written!


hey bros the book was a great read.I have come to the end here hoping there will be a sequel to this.Is the other book by this author related to this one ,if so then what is its name


Any updates of when you’re going to continue this novel? Been waiting almost a year and still looking forward to it.


Rereading crew ❤️‍🔥


so this is the end, I read this book in one day on limited free event.


Elemental princess waifu best girl.


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


thank you! can’t wait


Awesome can't wait !