
Comments of chapter undefined of Primordial Dimensions


As a reader I want to honestly tell the auther that their writing and World are phenomenal, but I am Dissatisfied in story progression. This is your story so you have to write what pleases you as an auther and as a reader I have to accept that. However, deending on if you are making a monetary means out of a book the story has to please readers. Saying this I want to tell why I am probably dropping this book instead of continuing to support you by purchasing privalage. I hated that I spent 50$ and almost 20 of the chapters I found meticulously boring. Meaning detail is great but so detailed I felt I would be reading and accounts leger is not great it is boring. You as an auther have a very detailed mind And if I was playing DnD or some other table top game I would love it, but as a reader I do not. So, writing and story great story progression fail. Sorry, not truing to offend or discourage from writing I am trying to honestly tell you why I am unsure if I willing to continue buying your work.

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shane is built different, easily getting closer to frer


thanks for the chapter