
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnated With The Strongest System

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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Great story overall i dont think ive got anything i disliked about the story, There was never a dull moment and everything you wrote had a purpose and meaning nothing went to waste, Thanks for taking as all alomg with you on your journey of 2 Million words

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Farewell to this amazing story in which I had laugh and cried too many times to count. You did amazing author, I’m glad you stuck to your wish of completing the novel in a proper manner. Sorry you had to go through toxic comments so often that you thought you would quit. I’m glad that you have reach the ending you had in mind from the beginning. I can confidently say that you have touch so many peoples hearts through this novel that it would be remembered for a long time. Cheers to an ending of a amazing book, wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors!

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I loved the novel so much. I believe I started when you were 150 chapters in. I almost didn't stick because I like to read a lot and caught up really quick but I loved the story so stayed, so Thank you Elyon, and RedPanda for the awesome job!

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Truly an amazing story I can’ picture a better ending no loose strings no major plot holes just a wholesome feel good ending. I appreciate all the laughs and the tears and just like the staff if fate permits it I hope we can meet again!

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What a ride, this is the first WN of 1k+ chapters that I have fully read and wow it’s been fantastic. Thank you for all your hard work, and sharing such a fantastic story. I’m sad to see the journey end, but very grateful for what we had. Thanks author, and wish you the best.

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I wasn’t always nice with some of my comments and criticisms of this novel. It came from a place of love because I truly loved your work. But it doesn’t change the fact that I was unfair to you a number of times. But this is truly one of my favorite works of fiction I’ve ever read whether it be light novel, webnovel, comics, animanga or a bestselling book. I’m glad you managed to finish this amazing journey. And for whatever it’s worth, as a reader and stranger over the internet, I’m proud of you.

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hey thank you again for the great story but during the last two years of the main story you brought things up but never explored them and I was wanting to see them before the final battle like the ritual to upgrade the demigods to psuedogods I really wanted to see that. everything else was great though I loved your story and was upset when I was caught up because I wanted more. yes I was addicted to your story. I know I did not start when you started I had just got webnovel at that point and was not sure if I liked the app or not. but I've found several stories i like now and i now have one less story to read. also for some reason I cant use links like that on my discord unless I can tap on them. i dont know why but I'd love to join your discord

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Bon voyage and good life Will.

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thank you for the journey. I can understand bad endings. I threw a hardcover book across my room once in anger at how it ended and the worse part is I tend to be able to see where the author is going to go in some cases and reading the last 20 pages of how it was going in my production was rough. well, I hope none of my criticisms bothered you too much. I was a bit vocal in the elf war. but that was due to an opinion that he didn't flex one option more than he should have. I was still very much enjoying the story and the ride. I also knew my idea had its own drawbacks. well anyway back to talking about endings in stories and such like it. I agree that some stories go on for far too long. I think it is more than just milking it. I think it is also hard for some authors to end their baby. I feel many authors don't understand going against their readers to going against their expectations. if you make the readers rage or cry and you did your job as a writer and were brave enough to let bad things happen. on the other hand you just right something that makes it into a different story just to spite your readers will make you lose you readers. it is a hard thing what is right and I feel you did a great job going with what I was expecting at times and the story made me feel many things. I feel a good ending should leave the readers wishing there was more due to enjoying the ride. maybe a little open-ended to what could happen in the future for the readers to picture their own outcomes while the main question are answered. of course, there are exceptions but for the most part that is how I feel about it. once again thank you and wish you the best in the future. stay strong. you seem to understand that a job is something adults have to stick with for better or worse. when you love it one day or hate it the next day. when the rewards are low you still have the duty to see it through. all I can say is welcome brother life is rough and you can't be happy all the time, but stay strong and march on for your own better and brighter future.

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thanks for the amazing story elyon

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Never heard of an author who hated the ending of his own story before. Understandable, the story still have lots of unanswered questions and things that could’ve been expanded further. But what matters is that it has a planned and definite ending. Furthermore, the last chps were released before the next month arrives. At least the author spares us the pain of having to spend coins to access the privileged chps. Well done. Jokes asides, it was a fun ride. This is the first webnovel that I ever spend money with and it was worth it. It would be forever etched in my heart. Thank you, elyon. Good luck for your next project.

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Thank you for this beautiful fairy tale.

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Current mood after reading this chapter. So long author… man I hate endings. All I can say is thank you for such an amazing experience.

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And thus ends a beautiful and wonderful story. Man, instead of feeling accomplished and fulfilled, I feel empty. Probably because this is and always will be one of the main novels I read. Off to discord I go I guess. Just like last chapter, if Fate wills it, let us meet again. ...or not, because I just found out you were writing another novel, so I'll be there. Cheers, and see you in your other novel!

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Thank you, Elyon for this journey. You rmade it enjoyable for me and I'm sure for the others. I also read the Strongest system and wasn't happy with the way it ended so thank you again for making RWTSS have this perfect ending. I wish you good luck and success in any other project you will start with I've gotten addicted to any novel that has ‘Reincarnated’ and ‘System’ in it, so if you have any other one that you wrote or if there is any one you can recommend I will appreciate it. Till we meet again, if Fate wills it. Thank you once again🙏🙏

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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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Absolutely wonderful, from beginning to end!! Thank you for this journey, and all the many more to come!!