
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnated With The Strongest System


tbh, i think the system shouldn't have made an appearance as it made me a bit disappointed with the system/divinities, because , even if it is not fully activated, and the mc's rank is not high enough, at the end of the day it is still the divinity of a god, and it can't even resist the enslavement of a collar made by a 'Mortal'.


Not a big fan of this. It also makes little sense. Also why would he ever want to be with someone who enslaved him? In addition it was pointed out that he doesn't even need her as a master due to the ring of conquest and his natural abilities. This honestly feels contrived AF.


yeah this chapter was not good at all.. I am sure u will write that he will not hate her. that will ruin the story tbh, being enslaved for 4 years against ur will. no matter how u spin it will look stupid. I am quite disappointed, so far 3 major fails in this story.


I swear if the MC still likes Celine after been slaved by her for 4 years, I will put a curse in the author that makes every pair of socks he wears wet.


Yo if that girl is the heroine, I would be so angry. Why would you enslave someone just because he's weaker. MC should enslave her as well in the future or atleast slap her in the face 100 times. Really annoying.


In this chapter MC is naive and stupid - maybe it's a plot to grow him as a character and get rid of his naivety, but!!! isn't she afraid that Jason will kill her? he has a bigger fist, second - MC has the system and master isn't that important in my opinion, he could choose any class, Dark Mage class isn't that great anyway. Overall - she has a deathwish and all this enslavement staff because it's tradition is stupid as well


I'm skipping to chapter 61 this is screwed up honestly if there was a big life altering event on earth that destroyed law and order I can see what kind of people some of you would be and how is enslavement a requirement to become a dark mage when he's already a level 11 dark mage....???!?

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many angry snowflakes griping in the wind!

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For those complaining about the enslavement, Author has explained that it is required for the class, character (Mistress) has said that she will take the responsibility for the action. Lets just wait and see how the story develops.


Where tf are the authorities also? He’s the grandson of a regions overseer, to enslave him must be highly illegal


most stupid story I have ever read. wow. just these stupid and dumb things happening now are worth 1* ratings. logic? nope. good story? nope characters? dumb.


okay that wasn't good at all....now I am pretty sure I don't want any of the twins to become his bride at all..... I mean I have no pblm with this kinda thing but only when both we adults... this is just a 28 yr old harassing a 10 yr old (after all she doesn't know his souls age so..) Also I don't think he really needed it after all he has the system and in a previous chapter he did say he wanted to learn the proper magic education or something... so that was totally unfair

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lol people are really mad 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I would have told her if she does this she will become my immortal enemy for all time. I will not rest until her soul has been tortured and destroyed so it can never enter the cycle of reincarnation and since she had a twin sister it's possible they share a soul so she has to go too.

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Good read


this made me want drop a nuclear bomb on Celine


Hello, do you want to learn dark magic?, ok but there is one but you will have to become a slave for 4 years :D


author i swear bro i will find where you live i will torture you can't even begin to imagine i will murder you this is a death threat


Well this was a good series, but obviously decided to make it about their weird fantasy. Good job. You ruined it


i honestly hate this part where he's made a slave it's not that i can't bear slavery or anything it's just knowing the mc and how the story was going too i just can't bear it like i'm gonna spot reading for a bit idk when i'll get back into it probably if i don't have anything else