
Comments of chapter undefined of Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)


Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter! __There's some pretty interesting things happening in this chapter. First the Demons are still level 1-5 to match the area despite the Demons they saw on the other side of the portal being level 25 and over. So there must be something that prevent the high level demons from coming... but then why aren't high level people affected by it? It would be nice to have an explanation for that at some point. __So the Demons do become more intelligent when affected by Niven's places of power. Though once they get out they likely revert to instinct driven... when not controled by Niven at least. __These curses will be a problem. Probably not that much this time since they'll be able to remove it at Pearl, but if they go by themselves, they need to be able to remove it... which Ash likely can pretty easily if she learn the spell for it and is in her Demon Form. Also that message from Niven was pretty ominous. __There's one thing that a bit inconsistent in this chapter. We've seen that using Dark magic makes Ash irresonably angry, enough to make her rush in stupidly even with only a few casts, but here she casts it like 7 times... and then just run away without being affected at all when she should be rushing at them in mindless anger?

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Thanks for the chapter!