
Comments of chapter undefined of Immortality...what's that? Can you eat it?

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how about Bùxìng zāinàn for the name it translates (google) to unfortunate disaster, also question can 'dig in' be used in combat like get close to the enemy and then consume the weapon, or could to make them lose footing since it even takes ground?

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thanks for clarifying that, I suppose for creative use would be if he can learn to control it, so instead of a sphere he can aim it, like in front of him so, he could use it to excavate into mountains and make a getaway and then he fills the space back up so he runs through a mountain but it looks like nothing happened.

MOUNTAIN:As for the combat application, it cannot be used to remove weapons/Armor/storage rings etc since those are bound to the user using a drop of blood, or in the weapon’s case it is fIlled with the cultivator’s qi which Would make it too easy to be stolen otherwise. so the only practical use of the ability in fights would be as you said remove footing, or absorbing corpses to heal during battle. (In chapter 1 mc stopped bleeding from absorbing the Flesh of those three he killed. so it will mainly be used as insta heal mid battle and some rare cases of Removing footing. of course if you have ideas for other uses you can tell them since my imagination is limited. and other questions i will also try clearing up if you have them ^^ but the ability cannot remove weapons or treasures unless the owners have died but then it might be Easier just picking them up instead of eating and puking em out a Minute later.