
Comments of chapter undefined of Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

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Little by little he will get to know Emma.

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Is he thinking Emma needs to be manipulated for her to want Jerlina dead 🤦‍♀️. He always gets so close to the truth and then jumps to excuses sparing his sister. Although there aren't much revealed yet I believe emma had a hand in everything that went wrong with Jerlina. And I want to know more about Gerard's family and if they wanted Jerlina dead and the woman talking to that gang leader was Gerard's mom. They seem to have money.🤔

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Look what happens when Jer actually gets told things, she manages to use her brain and think rationally about why things could have happened. And now shes given Jerry a direction to look into. E*** really has him trained well tho, he cannot think badly of her at all. Someday he will reach a point tho where it will be too obvious and there will be no more possible excuse he could make to hide the fact she is an awful person.

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Cuando la comunicación fluye, la curación y la paz en nuestros corazones pueden encontrarse lentamente ... Gracias por este capítulo, querida Golda 💕

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Amazing how blind he is to Emma. He believes he could be anyone but the most obvious person.