
Comments of chapter undefined of HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]


A Magical Journey, it has come to full loop since I read this title. Thank you for raking me and many other readers through this odyssey. I have loved, laughed, and at times disappointed, but when I finally reach the end, I cant help but feels joy with the growth of Quinn and the characters, you the author, and me as a reader. You've done a fantastic work, be proud and keep doing what you feels best for you.


I sincerely thank you for never giving up on this fanfiction, the number of fanfiction that is never finished and left on the ground and gigantic despite their incredible potential and for that thank you. Thank you for knowing how to write an end and give a conclusion to your story. I wish you a good break and I look forward to your return


Thank you for sticking with the fiction and completing it, It has been a fun time and I loved the story and looked forward To seeing It update all the time. May you be successful in All your future endeavors.


Hey author, absoutely loved the journey this book was, but just gotta ask, is your knb fanfic done with???


all the best for ur new and original work will be waiting for all your new world's of writing


Congratulations and thank you very much for All this time you allowed all of us to be able to enjoy this story. I will be patiently but anxiously awaiting your next work!


Thank you for this novel, it was a wonder to read and a journey through the ups and downs you gave quinn. I have been with this book since chapter 20 and it was an amazing read. I almost want to read it again, however since it was that good of a book I doubt it will be the same enjoyment since I would remember so much of it.


I'm excited to read your next story! If you ever do publish a book or a web novel do let us know... I would love to read it! You brought us far and beyond any Fanfiction has ever done. You showed us what has been and what COULD have been if they did take different choices. You created such amazing characters that feel so alive and breathing in this story it feels they have always been there. So thank you so much for bringing us in this journey, it has been MAGICAL indeed.


Thank you for everything this has truly been a magical journey


it is definitely one of the rarest fanfiction out there. a wholesome adventure with well thought path. It has now become a part of few complete enjoyable novels I will always remember.I wish author a truly happy and prosperous life and career. [A TRULY WONDERFUL MAGICAL JOURNEY-THANK YOU]


I have to say it would be a lie if I told u I was there from chap 1. I first saw it when u were 20 chaps in and it took till the 30s for me to be completely hooked. But I dont regret a single second I used while reading this masterpiece. There are nearly a million Harry Potter fics out there satisfying tens of millions of fans. A good percentage of that have ur story in our top 1s , top 5s and top 10s. Be proud of your self for u deserve. And worry not about the many ideas which u left incomplete as new pieces will arise from them. And u know what I'm beginning a magical journey of my own tomorrow and only thing holding me back was ur story. I was worried I won't be able to finish it on time. But the mass release did a fine job. Thanks for everything man . You are great.


One of the best HP fanfic i have ever read.


Its been a nice ride y'all tho I'm not satisfied with the ending. I wouldn't mind read S.O.L for another 100 chapter in which Quinn introduce new products, his relationship development, magical development but since its done its done may we all meet again


Thank you for the great book but if I can say one thing u show disappointment that certain threads were left undone but u can think of it as it was done that way in case u yourself ever wants to come back to this book and the great world u made in this book the world u made in this book could be described as AMJ Hogwarts story this book is yours u make the decisions


Thank you!~


it was great to follow Quinn west's journey, I can say with certainty that I loved every moment of the story and I even wanted a sequel, I really liked how the author developed the and especially Quinn, I can firmly say that this work will always be on my mind, and that's why I feel very sad to have to say goodbye to it.


my friend, this is the first time I have read such a good series, but I would be very happy if you continued a little more, for example, the apprenticeship period with Mr. Alan, his love affair with Ivy and Daphne, and these situations with his family.


Cheers man and I hope you have a great time. Thank you for all your hard work, I appreciate it.


This story had me hooked from start to finnish. I was under the impression that the story ended here and was kinda bummed but since there will be epilouge chapters all's good. Thank you for taking all of us on this fantastic journey and sticking to it until the end. I read too many 'good' stories that get abandoned halfway through.


thank you. I have criticised and applauded you. I have said thank you and that I hate you but overall I only can say, thank you. it may have not been perfect but honestly what good story doesn't have its faults, it only let the great moments shine that bit brighter. I wish you the best on future endeavours and will be waiting with bated breath for whatever new adventure you wish to take us on.


Thanks for the many hours of great content.