
Comments of chapter undefined of HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]


You don't have to worry about how the court scene went. You actually wrote it really well. I haven't read a single better court scene that I can remember that wasn't an actual part of a book where the main plot is centered around a court.


Honestly your court scene is more professional and logical than the real court in the Harry Potter World would be, after all a court where you can escape conviction for murder and torture crimes simply by saying, "I was being controlled! It's not my fault! Or you can almost convict a teenager for using a Patronus spell to keep from being crippled for life is not a court you can trust! But it's good that also in this dimension it is not mandatory for people to be as incompetent as the original. Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter ! I don't complain a lot and since this is my formal second complaint I would like to say why ? why are you going thought this case with so much depth, is it really necessary to the progression of the story ? all you had to do is give Queen's side and move on, Not everything has to be detailed, especially in the case of this trial that we all will forget in the next five chapters its completely unnecessary second formal complaint over, Love your story, so don't hate me plz !


No chapters today?


I'm torn. On one hand i quite liked this in deepth view of the trial, on the other hand i wished there would have been more progress on the plot.


thanks for this cant wait to see quin on the stand and how he will react/act in this courtroom


Thanks for the chapter Wish you well author Keep up the good work


This was actually remarkably good author and I’m really enjoying it, the biggest plus that i caught was not allowing fudge to be the presiding judge since it never made sense to me that barty crouch sr was able to participate in the trial of his own son regardless of his status in the post war era


damn!!!just burn her already!!!


Merry Christmas. Also thank you for the excellent book you have written, it quickly became one of my favorites.


Do hope mc lists a few decrees she implemented under minister orders The ones that are idiotic


I have an answer to all of my fellow reader's complaint. it seems that author has developed a sadistic personality he likes to prolong reader's frustrations with unnecessary chapters while gleefully reading complaints in comment section. he likes toad too much to kill then quickly he waits while prolonging their life to kill them satisfyingly. he also likea to show off his exceptional writing skills by writing more than necessary chapters while also showing he is masochist which is i don't want to elaborate . at last I want to say is all the above written things are meant to be as a joke so please restraint your hate comments as mush as possible . keep up the your sadistic work author.



If this were a crack-fic I would recommend Judge Judy and Court Cam but since that is not the case I'm out of options. Still recommend watching them if you want a crash course in human depravity and idiocy.


It is too detailed. They would scream Crousious or something, then give vertisurm or whatever it was that forces the truth out and be found guilty or innocent depending on the answers. The corruption would be more blatant and there would be more people from the Ministry trying to push it under the rug, or shift Blame, or just with the amount of evidence and truth potion, just axe off the toad to try to get this done and over with as fast as possible and have Fudge try to make the problem smaller from the big one it is. He would want people to try to forget about it as fast as possible. He certainly would not let Albus up on stage. Not with his reputation being so overbearing compared to his, add in with his paranoia that Albus was after his job. Point is with the amount of evidence given, would determine the seriousness of the issue, that would grant the truth potion, and a strict line of questioning. Then after the trial / witch hunt, Fudge will try to get everyones minds off of the event as soon as possible and swipe this event under the rug with Toad being fired from office and placed in Azkaband. He doesn't want this much stink on him or his office. Best breakdown I could give you.


I thank you




Thanks for the chapter


It was already very good and i dont have any sugestions to help you author. Im sorry. So. Thanks for the chapter!


thanks for the chapter