
Comments of chapter undefined of The Metallic Jester's Aura (JJBA x RWBY)

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I'm liking it, but doesn't Ozpin's reaction seem a bit unnatural? He's a reincarnating huntsman with aura and possibly hundreds of years of experience, why would he (1) need a bodyguard rn. & (2) be scared of Risotto? I know Risotto is a badass stand wielder, but Ozpin doesn't know that, and even if he gives off the impression of a legendary hard-ass with the blood of hundreds on his hands, wouldn't Ozpin be less affected due to his centuries of prior experience in the world, seeing both the worst in people and Grimm? Sorry, not ranting just curious. Aside from that I'm really enjoying it and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. P.S. Also looking forward to seeing (if you have them meet) how Pyrrha reacts to Metallica's powers =). (personally I think Metallica could pimp-slap Pyrrha's semblance)


Heyo, sorry for a late reply. I can't really spoil that much incase you havent read far enough but...he had prior knowledge over Risotto. Also, Risotto's eyes are the reason for Ozpin being slightly off put (They look exactly like Salem's, it's bound to cause some level of fear or nervousness). Anyways...I appreciate the comment, and dont worry. I didn't take it as criticism, just a genuine and legitimate question. Hope you continue to give this book a shot and I hope I dont let ya down (^-^)7