
Comments of chapter undefined of The Human in DxD

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I am sorry but this is way complicated then it should be, actually it's not complicated but that it's hard to understand wih the Grammer and the structure of the words, honestly I usually like big chapters but I do not enjoy this, I know you wanted to expand the world and make it more intriguing but honestly I don't see myself caring for this, you could have chosen another way for expanding the universe instead of this, the only thing I feel when reading this is confusion, I know you must have put a lot of effort in this but I seriously can't see my self reading this, I want to like it but I just can't. Though I hope you continue improving yourself


Well... Thanks, I'll always improve myself and while this first chapters are a bit too... You know it but in future there will be only action and also other character POV's so I will try to make more simple. And you might want to skip that part in future if you ever try to read it again... Thanks for your honest comment.

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Guys, story's with long chapters doesn't show up to much here so please add to your collection and vote me! I also know this chapter a bit worse that is because the one I fixed things got erased and I already post this one in FFN so please don't mind for this time. Smut will be in story but not with every girl and that means *** = love not gonna happen because this is more logical type of story that actually for people likes to use their brain while reading (no offence, but every character 1 dimensional and some of them beyond saving even with writing them as OOC and people loves them as favorite waifu this means......... I leave it to you that part.) Whatever PLEASE SUPPORT THE STORY AND I WİLL WRİTE MORE!

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complicated and hard to understand. I was totally confused whose pov I am reading. too big chapter but not much progress. I appreciate your work to make these big chapters but, if there would not be much progress people will become bored.



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thanks for the chap 👌


Thanks for the chapter ~!