
Comments of chapter undefined of Falling in Love with the King of Beasts

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I have said it many times and I'll say it again this book really need to be on a movie mini series it will be tomorrow maybe a good or better than outlander

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This is the best chapter of all!!! ❤️

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Aimee!!! Please tell your husband we all say Thank You for inspiring such an amazing story. KOB feeds the soul, warms the heart, stimulates all senses and empowers the mind to the truth that LOVE CONQUERS ALL. Lots of love to you. So grateful for your brilliant writing. ✨💗✨

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when you posted on FB that we can ask Reth questions this was the one question I wanted to ask "how much resemblance to your husband does Reth carry?". And you answered my question without even me asking. And it brought tears to my eyes because you answered it so beautifully. May you and your Reth continue to live your love for many many many years.

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I love your heart and I love your husband's for you. I simply just loves you for all you are and for your gift. 💚💚💚

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Oh my gosh this last chapter brought so many tears for so many reasons. Aimee you used all the attributes of your sweet husband to pour into Reth. As I've gotten lost in this story of Reth and Elia, knowing it's an unreal world, the REAL part that stood out is their connection to each other. Refusing to let anyone or anything come between them no matter what occurred or what they went through . You created for us the connection between our reality and the anima in the Wildwood. Such an artist you are! Beautiful. Inspiring.

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I haven't ever read a better and loving ending!!!! This book is my absolute favorite 😍 thank you for sharing this story and your story with us!!! It's beyond a beautiful book!

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Thank you so much Aimee for creating this beautiful world so when I needed an escape from mine, I had a place to go. Looking forward to Queen and many more! 🦁💙

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Such a precious chapter! ❤️ loved every minute of this story. Well done, good and faithful Aimee! Well done!

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Ya know I’ve fallen in love with this story, in love with these characters and in love with the entire world that you created in this…..but this chapter, out of all the other chapters has touched me more than anything else I’ve ever read before because this chapter is real and holds a beauty to it that is nearly tangible! While Reth and Elia have brought me laughs, cries and (of course with the happy ending) lots of relief in their final moments, this last chapter has lifted my heart and left me with an odd sense of hope and joy because it’s simply REAL. Stories (I believe) are one of the greatest things humanity can create but all stories begin from a hint of true life, and yours is one of the most beautiful and inspiring lives I’ve had the privilege of reading about! Thank you so much Miss Aimee for simply Being and sharing your beautiful reality with all of us. ❤️

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thank you for your talent and this book . beautiful put for inspiration to be your spouse, your other half, love of your life and protector. ♥️

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This was amaxing and this story was amazing. Thank you, Aimee for bringing it to us. I look forward to the next!

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Thank you so much for creating something so special that we all could be a part of with you! It truly was an amazing journey to take with you!!! You should be extremely proud! I am thankful for you and your work! All the best for you lovely Aimee!!!

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This was amazing Aimee!!! The last chapter was the best. Thank you sooo much for sharing a piece of you with us!!!!

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Well it’s Over! But I want to thank you for writing this marvelous book when I pick it out and started it I Stop Tonight ! It’s bittersweet letting go of K.O.B. Reth & Elia is my favorite Couple ,and I can’t help it I have a soft spot for the Big guy Reth he’s one of a kind.🦁 Then the last chapter was heart touching that you wrote about your husband.Comparing him to Reth she was getting angry Thanks again For this book❤️‍🔥

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This was so beautiful And sweet. Made me cry.

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Bravo!! Love you girl. You made me believe that there is beauty out there, even though I will never have it, this book made it real for me again! Maybe in the next life, or book! 😉

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I have no words... *sobbing*

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Thank you again Aimee!!!