
Comments of chapter undefined of Falling in Love with the King of Beasts


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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Thank you Aimee for this Awesome story and characters☺️. Reading all nights when i come home from work and chill out before going to sleep (Sometimes more stressed for the Cliffhangers hahaha) become part of my routine. I’m gonna miss them but i’ll continue reading the other stories you are writting 😬. And thanks for the new pups 😱😱😱 Suhle and Lerrin definetely deserve to be happy and have a family 🥰🥰🥰

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I’ve loved having the KOB story so much everyday, I’m grieved to see it end. It brought comfort, laughter, joy, love and adventure to my life. I’ve loved the characters, laughing and crying with them, they feel like my little Anima family. Thank you for your creativity and for sharing your writing gift with us, Aimee. Truly a blessing and inspiration. Now to start QOB 💗

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OMG! This is going to be teally hard to say goodnye to Reth and Elia, but I will be moving over to queen of beasts as soon as its done. Thank you Aimee for a wonderful book! I will see you over with our Dark alpha and Elreth’s story! I saltute you girl!

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First, I’m so very happy I found your books Aimee! They have given me so much joy, stress, tears, and laughter. Thank you. I will jump to your next book until you stop writing. ❤️🤗 Second, I’m so happy for Lerrin and Suhle! I love that they will have a pup and now that others have come they won’t be totally alone. However I’m sure that will bring them challenges. I’m Just thrilled they are together and starting a family. 😁❤️

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Literally crying reading your words. This has been more than just a book I'm reading...this was an adventure that you created and navigated us through so perfectly. I haven't started QOB but I will soon. Thank you so much Aimee ❤🥰

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What a journey It has been for this couple and I never ever in my wildest dreams thought I would come to love Lerrin, shed tears for him and respect him. Thank you for redeeming him Aimee. I am so glad he was finally able to get his happy cave and his pup. I am happy that he still get to lead his people. I hope Suhle can some how still help Elia and Gahrye in their mission and I hope we get to see them in QOB.

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Aimee,I’m so glad to get know the author of the book I was already reading it and you’ve got the water works going , you created One mighty Big hearted man that any woman would fall for and Elia is one lucky woman and I love her also they are the perfect couple 💞 I’m going to miss it,but as you said we still will have them on with Elreth,Arryn book this is terrible I can’t name the book. Now Lerrin & Suhle how does she know she’s having a pup already that was there first time I’m confused,but I’m happy 😊😊😊

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Literally Sobbing. I am so thankful For you Aimee. This book and these characters have changed me. I have gotten through so much by escaping to The WildWood. Thank you for sharing your dream with us.

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Thank you so much for sharing your dream with us! Your story telling to awesome! I love your books! There is so much that relates to reality as far as feelings that the characters have for each other that people can to. It's a whole combination of feelings and ideas that make a person be able to visualize in there mind. You're very talented!

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most amazing book!! you are so amazing yourself. I love your writing. Many Blessings to you ❤

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Aimee You are such an amazing Writer and I love your beautiful Stories. I’m So sad to see this end but I have loved every minute of it. Thank you!

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thank you for such a great read I have truly enjoyed this book even with all the crazy ups and downs. where can I get more of Reth, Elia, Gahrye, kale and Lerrin and Suhle?

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thank you for such a great read I have truly enjoyed this book even with all the crazy ups and downs. where can I get more of Reth, Elia, Gahrye, kale and Lerrin and Suhle?

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Aimee, you are a true weaver of stories. I am not a huge fan of fiction before last year,, but I was immediately sucked into this story. You have such a profound way of conveying the love, strife, joy and fear of these couples, and the spiritualuty that you intertwine in their love reminded me so much of real marriages (the kind who still adore their spouses like these couples here). I only wish they could be longer! One of the first historical/fantasy series' I read was Clan of the Cave Bears. I know thats a tall order, but here's me secretly hoping that the Beast series will one day be that epic, and that they will go to mass print someday. Keep up the good work, will keep checking out your work whenever it's published.

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Its been an awesome read, could read it forever and ever. I felt like i was there with Reth and Elia. You are a very talented lady aimee. Thank you for an incredible journey wishing you a very Happy New Year.

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I hope they are what Suhle says they are . Lerrin will finally have his dream come true. his mate, cubs and his cave on the hill.

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ABS for life!!!

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I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. It's hard to put into words how much I love all of your books that I've had the pleasure to read. You are so awesomely talented. I truly love how humble you are about all the praise you have been given. You deserve all of it! I can't even with Suhle & Lerrin 🥰🥰🥰 and now with a pup on the way 💙💙💙 Awesome! Thank you so very much 🥰