
Comments of chapter undefined of Falling in Love with the King of Beasts

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Aymora’s desire for People to be killed over this seems to come from place muchef deeper than just an advisor standpoint. I feel it has something to do with her losing her truemate in the past and her feelings are scewed because of this 😞

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Aymora seems so unwilling to trust Reth and give him the benefit of the doubt of what he knows about Lauren to be true. She has this attitude that’s been bugging me for some time now starting back when she didn’t want mercy anymore. I understand the mindset, I do its war. But it seems off for her somehow. I can’t pinpoint it. I’m going to have to mull it over some more. I wish she could try to see all sides and stop pushing for rigidity in her viewpoint.

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I just Love Aymora…Though i dont agree with her.… Reth is approaching it level Headed and Just wants to get it Over and Get his mate bAck Asap

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I seems like Reth is the only level headed one among the people in that cave… What ever he is saying make sense and hope he succeeds in integrating the wolves back into Tree city…

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Reth needs to lay down the law! But no… hes gotta be all Mufasa and noble and “listen to everyone” pfffft need a little Scar energy here! Be the King!

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Reth is speaking like a true Alpha and king. He speaks for everyone good and bad. He wants peace for all if them so, he's saying order to seek peace for all they must offer it to all. And it won't come by segregation or killing especially when you don't know who is friend and who is enemy. kind of like innocent until proven guilty. Amora has something else going on. She was one of the level headed one's but since the start of the war she's been pressuring Reth. She's out for blood. Not sure why yet🤔 I'm sure we'll find out soon though. Aimee doesn't leave us in the dark for too long so I'll be patient 😌

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could we possibly say that maybe aymora has been by the traverse and maybe the voices have spoken to her since she seems to want to get rid i Lerrin so badly? I hope not as she had taken in Elia that would truly hurt Elia and Reth. the question is what to do... kill Lerrin, use letting then let him go, or do they have him help then kill him? I'm not sure how this will play out but I know Elia needs to get back sooner then later..

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Sounds like it’s abiut time for Aymora’s story, cause… Girlfriend is serious!! I’m guessing it is related to how she lost her mate?

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I love Aymora, but am struggling with her intent to kill Lerrin. I understand what she is saying and her concern, but Reth is right. The wolves are not likely to submit to Lerrin now that he has submitted to Reth. And Reth is right that he can use Lerrin to help bridge the gap between the people. Ugh…might be time for the discussion to be tabled and everyone to go get some sleep. Just saying…


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