
Comments of chapter undefined of Falling in Love with the King of Beasts

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I don’t understand why Lerrin keeps saying Reth threw his people out. Didn’t the wolves build that filthy compound by themselves by stealing from tree city behind Reth’s back.

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Lerrin can’t seem to get past his hate and revenge. Lerrin is proud and arrogant in the same ways he thinks Reth is. He can’t see past his own point of view. He’s so short sided he can’t or won’t listen to Suhle. She is trying to pull him back from this dark hate he’s been living in why can’t he just wake up and see that?! I have hopes that he will be redeemed but if he keeps up with this attitude and destructive path he’s toast. I feel bad for Suhle mostly now.

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I don't feel sorry for him. yes it hurts to lose love ones but he makes it seem to where his love ones were angels and did no wrong. if it weren't his dad and sister would he care. if reth father tried to kill Su the same way his dad tried to kill Elia would he let it slide. if Reth had a sister and she kidnapped Su with intention to kill would he let it slide. he's had ample time to get it/himself together so, I don't feel sorry for him. I'm glad to see Su taking a stand against it.

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Lerrin seems to think only Reth has killed what about all the attacks they have done to the tree city. There can be peace and he could have the life he wants if he would just get over the fact that his dad and sister had evil intentions. They're actions had they succeeded would have been for the wolves not the as a whole. Lerrin needs to think or Suhle is right he will die and even though he hasn't figured it out( male thing) she loves and feels for him but is still afraid and you wonder why...

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Whats more important Lerrin ? Your revenge and hatred or Shule - Your true mate?

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This has me all torn up. I want Lerrin and Shule to be together and safe so badly. Lerrin just cannot move past his own hurt that causes him hatred 🥺

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I love Suhle and Lerrin’s story!! I’m really intrigued with her and so hope we continue to learn more about her! And I’m also hoping that she and Lerrin find that True Mate connection!!

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thank god suhle is pulling back. this aint gonna end well for lerrin. reth isnt gonna just let him run away if he faces him. really should keep that fuzzy idea about peace and run with it

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oh no this is not going where I want it to go.. Hope Lerrin gets to redeem himself..

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wanting more. for this war to either happen or Reth and Lerrin to make peace so Elia can figure out what the heck is going on.

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And this is why I feel that even if Lerryn gets redeemed he shouldn’t be allowed back into the Tree City. He had a chance to end it all peacefully, knowing full well Lucan and Lucine were out of their minds when each sought their own deaths. He knows very well that Reth was open to negotiate peace, and he chose to send assassins to kill him. He was manipulated by his Lucan and Lucine, and even having come to this conclusion, he’s hiding behind a twisted sense of honor, and giving an ear to those who want ruthless ruling. Lerrin may be disgusted by the darkness his people are embracing, but he has embraced his own fair share of it too.

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I wished Lerrin would listen to Suhle with his ❤️ instead of the hate for Reth if he don’t he’s going to lose her. They are true mates !

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It’s amazingly heart breaking to see how rage, anger and fear can twist our perception of everything around us. We can see others fault in what went wrong but our own. Hate blinds us to truth

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Let go of your hate. please listen to Suhle Lerrin.

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I forgot to write a comment down on the last chapters I Love how Reth & Elie can connect In there dreams I will be so glad when they can be together again there not the same without each other true love 💞💞💞Thanks for the chapters !!!

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i am thinking this is not headed where i want it to be... lol (but i expected that - if he can’t overcome that hatred, how can he live in love?).


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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Lerrin is blinded by anger...to the point he'll lose everything! He should listen to her

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Idk if it’s safe for her to stay there. Not all the camp will go and if that faction is as powerful and insidious as she says it is, she won’t be safe when he isn’t there. Maybe that is what it will take - losing to Reth, and then nearly losing her to his own men?

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Lerrin, are you so blinded by your grief and loss that you cannot think straight or listen to what Suhle?? Like why are you ignoring her perspective and giving it some thought?? And here I thought we made great strides in the relationship between Lerrin and Suhle 😞