
Comments of chapter undefined of Falling in Love with the King of Beasts

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I hate that im all caught up and there’s nothing left to read! I’m loving the story of Gahrye...i was hoping we’d get to know him a bit better in part 2!

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Kalle is amazing… she is so strong and nothing seem to faze her… she is going to be a big help to Gahrye and Elia now that they dont have Candace… I hope Gahrye will let her help. Gahrye is torn between his sense of duty and magnet pull for his mate… I hope he figures out a away to be there for Elia and be with Kalle…

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Gahrye is such a loyal friend and cohort. The struggle is real for him to try to keep his pull to his true mate in check. The threat to Elia is also very real and he is aware. I still keep worrying about the wolves coming through the portal or even one that is already there in the human world.🙈 I look forward to Elia controlling her besat and shifting. 🦁 She will be a pilar of strength to get theoigh this….

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I love how nothing shakes Kalle. He hasn’t thrown a single thing, that she hasn’t been able and more than willing to catch. In earlier chapters I had been hoping Candace was the one for Garhye. I’m still sad that Elia will be dealing with that loss, once she has an uneventful minute.

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Yaaaaassss Kalle! Your so cool to be there for him! Perfect Mate for Gahrye!

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Gahrye hasn't failed Elia and Reth. He was temporarily sidetracked, but now Kalle will help them all.

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Yay for Kalle being so awesome! Gahrye needs all the support and encouragement he can get.

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Thank you so much for the chapters about Gahrye and Kalle. So nice to see Gahrye has a strong mate beside him now.


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See this! I just gifted the story: Ring

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I love Kalle more and more! I am so glad she comforted Gahyre and told him that there was nothing wrong with leaving Elia for a little bit. I also like gow she is trying to find the balance with Gahyre and willing to support him. Hopefully this is not a trap, and Shaw is still blind to what is going on with Elia.

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Eekkk, Kalle is so amazing! I love her already! 😁😁😁

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See this! I just gifted the story: Grimoire


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