
Comments of chapter undefined of He Hates Me, He Loves Me Not


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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Do you feel it yet Damon? Do you feel the remorse and the regret? Do you see how hard Kaiden worked to please you at the cost of his own well being? Do you see the torture you put him through? Keep reading. Read the whole little booklet. Read it and curse yourself for your past choices. You deserve it.

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See the hurt you've caused someone so lovable? someone who put themselves second or third to what you want, even for that beta you so love? someone who would do even the impossible for you?? he put himself at risk for all your demands and you deserve a far deeper wound than what you've given him😠😤😤 i'm fine and done with my rant now. hopefully damon will accept things, like his feelings for kaiden. but even then i still want him to suffer😈😌 Damon after skimming that notebook be like:

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All i can say is Damon cant fight whats already written n the stars now it might be to late to fix whats broken smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ well now he has to suffer for is mistakes he will get no peace until he rights his wrongs fated mates are fated mates plain and simple

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I am really anxious too see what else Kaiden wrote down... What else will Damon discover and realize now that his fated omega pair is gone and out of reach? Will Damon find out how Heath was intentionally cruel to Kaiden? Or how Kaiden was the one who wrote that company report? How about the truth of what really happened the night that Damon stumbled into Kaiden's room drunk? He wrongfully accused Kaiden of using omega pheramones while Damon was vulnerable, but really it was Damon being drunk and unreasonably demanding to be let into Kaiden's nest. And then screaming at the poor helpless omega the next morning. Does the book mention Kaiden's feelings? Why he felt so drawn and close to Damon? That in Kaiden's eyes, Damon was the first person to be kind to him? How much that first initial kindness meant to Kaiden? I hope the book mentions that and more. Let Damon stew and suffer in the painful realization of the wrongs he and Heath did to such a kind hearted innocent soul.

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I love where this is going😏 Nice chapter author, keep up the good work

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Aaahh I don't give a f#$& about him 😡😡 just wanna know where and how is kiden?? and what Lucy gonna tell primo !? that's it's.

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Enterarme de todo lo que Kaiden tuvo que hacer para borrar su existencia, me hizo llorar y eso que mucho de eso lo supe el tiempo que lo acompañaba en mi lectura, en su estancia en esa casa. Si a mi que si me importa Kaiden me dolio... puedo solo imaginar lo que debe dolerle a Damon y me alegra, me alegra mucho. Porqué ya es demasiado tarde, demasiado tarde se da cuenta de que por su egoísmo, soberbia y y carga emocional, lastimó, degradó y rechazó a la mejor persona, y no solo a Kaiden, también al bebé. Así que ahora retuercete en tu dolor porque lo mereces, maldita rata de dos patas, animal rastrero, desecho de la vida.... Sorry author, i am really mad to Damon and I have to rant in spanish that way i can say all I really want...😅 In resume Damon... finally you get to know the feelings of your mate... but GUESS WHAT? IS TOO LATE!!!! 😡NOW SUFFER!!!


See this! I just gifted the story: Sword


See this! I just gifted the story: Grimoire


See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


See this! I just gifted the story: Potion


See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

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feel it, feel it more... feel the pain that Kaiden had to go through to satisfy all your ugly wishes. I'm glad that Kaiden left that dairy so Damon could realise how much he put through that poor Omega and the sufferings he had to endure just to make his existence insignificant in that huge mansion.

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I didn’t think kaiden would leave any traces behind, but then as I kept reading I realized that at the end, this box isn’t something that would hold any good memories or importance to him anymore.

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Karma.... now he will be suffering Sooo heart breaking 💔

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Why do I feel like Damon isn't gonna realize how bad he borked up unless a proverbial mob of angry villagers armed with plastic bats start whacking the stuffing out of him while screaming at him about how badly he borked up?