
Comments of chapter undefined of He Hates Me, He Loves Me Not

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You know what, i remembered there's a true story where there was a student who hides himself in a closet of his dormitory bcs he doesn't want to get caught by his warden due to breaking the school rules. As to what rules, supposedly, all of the student should perform prayer together(or something like that i don't really remember) so he asked his friend to lock the closet with the padlock and reminded his friend to come open it after all of them were finished. But unfortunately, that day happened to be a day where students can go back home for 2 weeks holiday and his friend literally forgot about the locked boy and went back home with his family. Few days after that, the boy's family started getting worried, it was told that at first the family thought that the boy went to his friends house so yeah they don't mind yet, but after few days of no called, they were alarmed thus they called every of his friend that they knew. None of his friend knew where he was until they reached out to that friend who locked him inside the closet. And guess what, when they went to the school and check the closet, the boy was already dead. it's very scary y'all dont chu ever try locking yourself or get locked inside any closet 😖


This goes for any enclosed space. I remember this freezer scare when I was younger because some kids were playing hide and seek, and one kid decided to hide in an unused freezer. The kid couldn't push it open so he was stuck there. It was very scary and heartbreaking

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For me I don't want Damon to come and rescue him so that Kaiden will learn a lesson out of it and become stronger....I seriously want the tables to turn

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I think it would be the butler or the grandpaa but whoever comes not that disgusting 😡 Demon..

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probably the butler that come to save kaiden......just leave Damon kaiden....he not deserve your love....

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finally y realize that 👏🙄😒😬

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Hopefully someone who will be the real ML! Not this fake goods.
