


Brynn’s POV

I feel a cloud of sadness wash over me as she stares blankly at me, as if she has no recollection of me or our friendship.

/"Can I speak to you privately?/" I direct at the red headed girl

I use my free hand to grab ahold of her wrist, dragging us a few feet away from the male.

Once I decide that we are a good distance away from him I turn to face my best friend.

/"What do you want?!/" She questions with irritation, yanking her wrist out of my grasp

I ignore her outburst considering our current predicament.

/"Why did you take off the necklace that Harper gave you?/" I ask, wasting no time

The red haired girl rolls her eyes at my question, crossing her arms underneath her chest.

/"What are you even talking about?/" She asks

I search her face for any indication that she may be joking only to find that she is being completely serious.