


/"I thought you said we were going to do something fun?/" I voice my confusion

The white haired girl kills the car.

/"Is this not fun enough for you?/" She questions

I glance out the windshield towards the small diner in front of us.

/"I just didn't think this would your version of fun is all/" I rephrase

The girl turns to face me, an odd look on her face.

/"And what is that supposed to mean?/" She asks

Oh, I upset her. I guess that I could have worded that statement a little better.

/"I just meant that-/"

I sigh as I turn to face her, forcing eye contact between the two of us.

/"You're edgy! You're in a band! I thought that your idea of fun would be throwing knifes at a chalk board!/" I express my confusion

Harper raises an eyebrow at me.

/"Do you want to throw knifes at a chalkboard?/" She sort of mocks

I shake my head.

/"No, not really/" I admit