
Comments of chapter undefined of Good Villain

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hey it's fine...I think we all do that sometimes.....n your health is important too.so u can even take a break if you want for a little while ..just don't leave the book incomplete..(pls don't leave us hangingšŸ˜­) as you stories are really good....


report: Yes, the authorā€™s note still applies, but itā€™s a coincidence this happens to be the chapter you see after my short disappearanceā€¦ T^T Since school has bombarded my day and Iā€™m expected to care for my sister after school, my free time is at night. Which is the time I give myself to write for you! :) But these last few nights, the moment I laid on the bed, I just sleptā€¦ I donā€™t even notice it until I suddenly wake up at 3 AM realizing Iā€™m starving my readers T^T But, um, well, this author of yours has no goal of writIng at 3 AM so I continue sleepingā€¦ And the cycle repeats for 3 days. Until today! When for some reason! I didnā€™t crash when I hit the bed! HAHA!! So thatā€™s why youā€™re receiving a chapter at 3 AM (the time right now for me). Sorry for the unannounced absence. :( I didnā€™t know it would happen eitherā€¦ I canā€™t even guarantee it wonā€™t happen again because I really just crashed out onto the bed the moment I hit itā€¦ My phone and laptop were completely dead in the morning too. T^T I forgot to plug it inā€¦ Just hoping it wonā€™t happen again. ^^ā€ Again, deepest apologies. Pls donā€™t give up on me T^T

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it's okay author, thank you for the chapter and take care your healthy too

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Itā€™s ok authoā€¦. today, I am in peace with this chapter!!!!!!!!