
Comments of chapter undefined of Darius Supreme


wonder what's with his strong disgust, if he can accept killing why can't he accept the s*xual morality he has broken up many families, might have made some live a living hell so why can't he accept it the world there like in our medieval era is accustomed to killing to survive or elevate their standard of living and to have s*x early to have a chance to propagate it's all in the genes man and type of environment yeah it might be an era type of thing with their own social norms......like the story with the top hat, when it was first introduced the creator was sent to the court but look at that, as time passed it became a hit and I can somewhat accept that he doesn't want it but to throw up because of utter disgust, I mean come on man really it's like he's looking down on her or the people of that world.... like meeting some indigenous tribe or being in another country and showing some strong disgust with their way of living


nope not really it's their way of life though so I can accept it it's their own free will and unlike what you said I'm not making them in the nice way of saying things or ordering them in the bad way to procreate also would like to point out, if it's in that type of environment, kids tend to mature mentally quickly so they should know the complications of things even if they don't heck it's socially norm there if their parents consent and they consent why should I care if they do it, it's that type of environment it's like I don't feel nauseous reading tortures, beheadings, massacre in a novel with that type of setting it's the law of the jungle really so why should I feel nauseous about some vanilla s*x overall my main point of concern is the affair of the mc with the chick not some prepubescent kids even if I'm gonna feel nauseous I'm gonna suck it up after all it's all about adaptability and acceptance if you're in that type of setting and you can't adapt to their way of life then you're gonna have a hard life the mc was shown as an evil bastard so why can't he accept their s*xual morals, he kills people though uses them, breaks them so what's with that oh but don't get me wrong I accept that he doesn't want to after all he has his own will and perspective so that's that I'm just ranting really on why there's gonna be another mc I'm reading that's gonna c*ckblock himself with the so called s*xual morals even though the other side clearly loves him(this part about love I'm talking about the other mc's)

Jus7aguy:So what your saying, is you don't feel nauseous at the thought of making 2 prepubescent 2nd graders boink?

Darius is failing to account for the entire context. The average age of marriage was so low simply because of life-span. You can't wait until 18 when the average lifespan was barely 35.

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He might want to pick up a combat awareness skill or something. Being very good at putting the pointy stick in the squishy things doesn't mean you'll be alert enough to notice the flying pointy thing about to perforate your kidney.

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The awkward dilemma. Do as you feel comfortable doing

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I'm so glad to see a mc turn down the girl. Granted he is young himself and so is she but his mind is alot older and he has some strong morals when it comes to underage sexual things. Go Darius!!!!!

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meh feel like in webnovels the whole my mind/soul is much older than my body so I don't have physical desires thing is mostly used by writers to avoid writing romance or such scenes. I understand the age thing here but just saying


A lot of pedo in this world indeed


HHuuhhh oh dear gosh dang it whatat is up with this boy yarre -yare


So... Baby got Back and her Milkshakes bring the boys to the yard😂😂

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One of my favorite things about society is that even criminals who may have murdered many people draws a line at the idea of touching an underage kid in our current society. It’s like the whole world agreed that if you go after a child in a sexual way you are either dead or want to be dead

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Thanks for the chapter.


I would be making myself a book on art of war and strategy with transmutation


Little bit of shame that mc invested in spear. As much as I like idea of spear wielding this will force Mc to invest limited statistic points into physical stats despite having no physical class. Even then investing everything into intellect and spells plus some skill points into Itekanfer class skills would make him powerhouse. Physical combat should be left to underlings.