
Comments of chapter undefined of Tame a Monster


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Finally am beginning to understand the title. Tame the monster. We are now beginning the story of Keenan and Angelina's fated mate. It had to cost him going feral to understand the bond he had with this mate. He needs to do a lot of damage control and apologies and formally ask her out. I hope he heals and becomes thee alpha. Dearest can you kindly update weekly if possible. The story keeps me hooked and restless always thinking about possibilities and scenarios. I am available for any help you need with the story. Thank you for your great work


😭😭Noooo! This is so sad! How did an abuser get the girl in the end and even after killing her friends too! Hope Daniel will survive😞really was rooting for him and still am!


I swear to kill both Angeline and Keenan if she falls in love with him after what he had done to her.


Finally! Have been looking forward for the resumption and continuation of this interesting supernatural novel. Hope the author will regularly give weekly releases of more than 2 chapters . Kudos to the author for writing this novel and making a difference from the usual werewolves stories out there. Highly recommend for reading!


Dear autho
thank you soooo much for this wonderful updat
but Please just a request
please don’t take another month to updat
.even if you can update once a week, it’ll be enoug
.Again thnamk you for the update


This is so sad that so many People had to die because keenan went furral but if he would have not tegected her the fIrst time then we would have not list Packs and wolves! What sucks the most is that even though she loves daniel and she surrendered to save Daniel from being killed By keenan in that momen, when he went and marked Angeline all she felt was blissed and thats because he is her true mate. where as when Daniel did it he did Ot feel right and she did not Know why. So even though a lot of people will Start to Get upset, Just remember that once a true make marks you the bond is beyond control and she wIll start to love him and help him change from fUrral, however will still make him stronger then any alpha also. he is a monster but she will be the one to tame his monster because of the love he has for her and she will learn to love him quickly because of the bond.


I've thought about it. I definitely applaud the chapter for it's action and keeping me on the edge of my seat... But, dear sweet baby Jesus, please don't let this bond make her a slave to Keenan!


I’m still tram Daniel by the way,but the reality of the story is that Angeline and keenan were meant to be one soul together By the moon goddess up above. Also hello people the book Is called tamed by the beast and keenan is the beast. so just know that Daniel will lose her and keenan will gain her Heart and soul back. It’s sad but true because he put her through a lot and rejected her smh


Ooohhhh my goodness !!! Cant wait to read whats Next !! Does she make Him better ????? His daniel liVe ???


wow 👏!! that's a lot of deaths tho. I really hope Daniel doesn't die!! so excited to see where the story goes from here...


Wohoo, am first to comment Dear author I love you soooooo oo much


We're still waiting the next chapter. Pleaaaaaaase! đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș


Won’t Keenan have to face justice for all the lives he took? Or is going feral a “ get out of jail” card? Even with being with mate now I don’t see him becoming any kind of kinder & gentler. If he takes her by force or Daniel & friends die I can’t see her forgiving him either. I trust our author’s awesome writing can eventually make harmony out of this outrageously intense cliffhanger‌ Take your time- Do it right- We’ll just patiently wait here pretending like we’re not totally freaking out. đŸ˜±đŸ˜‚đŸ˜±


How long are we going wait for the update ? I am dying here


I hope everyone wanting updates and the story to go on makes you feel positive about the story and the great work that you do because thats why we say it. so you know you have readers who actively read your book and love it enough to feel like we are on the edge of our seats waitIng for the next chapter or book to come out. I know it can be hard to updat and having everyone constantly ask you might be more stressful just know we come from a good place <3


Dearest Author. Please give us some new chapters! You have left us hanging by a thread. The story to far has been riveting please give us more or at least send us an update as to where you are with writing this book.



Oh my goddess, please I wait to read what's next. Daniel is a good guy and he deserves a 2nd chance at love. Trey, I didn't want him to die. Keanen made his dad submit and killed alot of alphas making him the king alpha now. I really hope he makes right by Angeline after putting her through all the goddess knows what. I would like Daniel to live except that they are true mates and that maybe his Mia was never really dead just unconscious and him marking Angeline woke her up to find her mate and that she could hear him talking to her all this time and feel him trying to find her but just could not wake up till he marked someone else. Then he can find happiness aswel. Author you rock!!!




Shade, please add some chapters!!! don't leave your loyal readers hanging. I'm patiently waiting. hope you're well, look forward to your creativity 💕