
Comments of chapter undefined of How to be a Succubus


by the existence, the behavior of useless woman and posh person of the protagonist is annoying I clarify some things people are not useless because of their ***, I use the word useless woman, because many women are usually useless women, it depends too much on their status and their appearance, they think they deserve everything, but they are useless and they don't even make an effort, second one A posh person does not arise because of his amount of wealth but because of his attitude, you can be rich but you are not afraid of staining your clothes and being in shit, that does not mean that you want it, it only means that if it happens it will not bother and , you can face the problem, you will not be a useless person, you will not be a crybaby and it will not be easy for them to eat you


I have criticism of traditional female behavior (I repeat traditional), because shit there are many women who want uncomfortable clothes and uncomfortable shoes, crazy amounts of money are spent on clothes / shoes that they do not need or they will not wear money that they can use on more useful things, also because they take so long to compare something, if you had to assess the comfort and benefits of having such clothes, I understand, but the quality is usually mediocre, it has no benefits for the body and is usually Uncomfortable clothes, so in my opinion it is better to buy a few clothes, which are of quality, which bring benefits to the body and which are comfortable, so now you money and you can use it for your improvement as a person also because there are so many girls with stupid insecurities that they tend to be affected by what others say, what she has to care about is what she wants, not the stupid things that others say, also because they speak indirectly? , stop using indirect, speak being a direct person, without filters and speak clearly what you want to say, do not waste people's time


Sigh a whole chapter on buying shoes? And she met an Enemy already without doing anything suspicious , that was fast