
Comments of chapter undefined of Master's Untamed Wife

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Like mother, like daughter

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I think I quite get it now the personality Song Xin Ai...I dont think she is a bad mother and I dont think she left Raelle because she didnt love Raelle..I think she might be quite similar to Raelle, they are too rational to prioritize feelings...however, the differences between Raelle and her mother are that Raelle is brought up full of love that even if she has her rational mind and cannot put feeling over something, the loves, the people around her makes her consider any decision she made and she does not has any fear about the decision she made, whereas I think her mother with her surrounding, made the decision to save herself, to put herself first because she might not feel safe or be brave enough to consider feelings in her decision...she is afraid she will failed as a mother when she has to choose her family or her career because with her career, she already know she will succed at it because she is good at it...this is just my opinion, I might be wrong but I think that’s the difference when you are brought up full of love and when you are not...it affect your decision in life greatly....

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they are very much alike

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mother and daughter time,they are already starting to open up to each other

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Raelle's personality is similar to XinAi so they can communicate easily

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maybe Chi Xirui was also kidnapped. Raelle saved many other children when she set fire . And Chi Xirui saw her childhood pic on her mother's table

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oh!!! how to solve her mystery and how she conceived Little Justin