
Comments of chapter undefined of Master's Untamed Wife

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hey author, I love reading your stories, learning about your characters. And since they are your thoughts, I wanted to thank you. your words sometimes makes me feel really warm as if someone understands me and is there. Is there any way I can contact you? discord?

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Shes a bit pitiful honestly 😅 Striving so hard for acceptance and praise even sacrificing important things only for it to be not worth it at all. Its interesting tho. Isnt watching Animal Planet what Ellie does? You can see parts of her mother that are similar to Ellie. The whole family is a mess and in need of some love and healing tho whew

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mine too an Asian family and my mom is kind of too filial not only for her parents but also to her sister, bcoz mom is the elder one she should sacrifice everything for her sister, or give in to her every time.. thangod grandpa loved mom and he equally loved both his kids and but he is no more and that's a huge blow for her.. at least he used to defend her.. funny thing is I once asked my mom whether her mother is a stepmother or something.. I seriously kinda believed it when she treats my mom like that and treats her younger daughter as some precious gem.. whenever I read chinese novels where their mother treats them differently even though they are both her biological daughters.. and i always think that what if mom gets reborn will her choices be different?? sorry guys just pent-up anger from my childhood from seeing how they treat my mom and take her for granted and today you all talked about filial piety hence got burst out.. right back to the topic what I want to say is even my grew up like that and with her kind personality, whenever anything befalls on me and my brother then mom will be like a tigress and doesn't even care if it is her mother.. that's why I am saying a mother will never ever abandons her kid in any situation

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I don't know about Asian families, but I know that breaking the shackles that our family of origin puts on us is very difficult. She may be a fool, but she's not alone, she's not the only one. I see and saw many people whose lives have been heavily damaged by wanting recognition from their parents, siblings, etc. Leaving aside their own children, spouses, personal life, friends. This is a sad reality.

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i just hope after this she can get a courage to meet Raelle then Raelle can knock her some sense then she can find her happiness. ooh i so want Raelle to crush the arrogance of that Song family esp the grandfather and grandmother 😤

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I only know one thing that a mother never ever abandons her child for anything, be it a sacrifice for country or any other reason.. even if she is patriotic, she will sacrifice her life not her child.. even though she is pityful or sad but I still hate her for abonding Elle... maybe she has her own version or her story, her reasons but I still hate her... I just want to slap some sense into her. Elle doesn't understand feelings or pain and that's a huge relief.. what if Elle is can sense the feeling and got to know that her mom abondoned her for some stupid project, how painful and gut wrenching would it be for a kid.. it could have left a scar in her life.. maybe everyone won't agree with my point of view but I still hate her for whatever her reasons

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Before I knew her story I would have judged her but after reading about her I pity her actually.

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I know where you coming from in the mother's case author. yes gender bias does exist, even now . personally I think we r all stuck in trying to prove those our worth who dont really care about us yet ignore those who love n respect us... we somehow take them for granted in trying to prove ourselves to others n inevitably hurt them. it clearly shows both husband n wife still have feelings for each other.

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It's not her fault that she forget which family should be called real one. The woman that still cries for her father's family ignoring her husband's after marrying will always live with this problem. It wasn't her fault either that Women in Asian societies don't have a family or home of their own. This screwed upbringing doesn't let them live in tranquility as you what family should be hers and which one not! However, it was completely her fault how she let the predefined rules of the society control her fate.

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song xin'ai as raelle said there is always cause effect n consequences .... when I first read that you choose nation over daughter .....I thought you to be strong career woman ,woman in you is stronger than mother in you ...... then came song family .....it seems there is more behind your choices ... but at the end you have to face aftereffects of our choices ....... good or bad , satisfied or regretful .... it's still in our hand to whom to give control of our life ....even if we are feeling things are out of control ..

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Sigh, I really felt for her in this chapter. Unfortunately, we do have to live with consequences of choices we make even if it is one we regret.

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It must be hard being alone is better than being lonely in your own family

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It's sad but asian families are like that. No matter what you do or how much success you achieve, it's never enough!!

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very true meihei

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and just curious .. where are you from author ?

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author your right ! in Asian families they care more about what the society says . it just bothered them so much !

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Trying to gain affection from family through recognition is always tiring but she made the choice and possibly regretted it ~ Although, I pity her but sometimes one need to realize that no matter what it is a past that can never be retrieved~ Everyone needs healing~

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she is a loser, she doesn't deserve any pity. she can give up on her new born baby all in d name of wanting recognition form her family. are her children not her family she wanted more than she can chew and she ought to pay d price, she is not worth been called a mother thou. in fact I don't want Ella to forgive her, if her Grandma did not saves her life she would have been died would she feel guilty for d died, she is just an hypocrisy

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I don't know what to say on author's note but i know, for mother their children are important, nothing else matters . Whatever the reason was , it can't cover up the bitter truth.

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true words author.