
Comments of chapter undefined of Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

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I just hate the twins to much...... seems like they aren't ashamed of what they did.... but they still chipping into Adrian's life....

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when can we see them together😉😉

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Adrian need to man up more than wallow into depression

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This family is really exhausting. Theres a sPecial place in h-e- double hockey sticks for Grisham. definitely not gonna be joining his wife where she is considering how unrepenting he is even towards the end. Irish and Olivia are beyond irritating and annoying for persistently barging into a place theyre clearly not wanted at. like take the hint and go away. Irish especially, is cut from the same cloth as Grisham walking as if she had done nothing wrong and having the audacity to give her input into Adrian and Cassidy’s relationship. For real, girl needs to get and life and stay in hEr own lane. And Adrian. I dont even have words. Its no wonder this dude was repeatedly taken advantage of. He lacks follow through and frankly any type of cajones. Sure he got Grisham arrested, but clearly Grisham is still winning over him if he was able to get under his skin so easily. He sAys he wants to make the people who hurt Cassidy pay for what they did, buT what has he done so far Except wallow in self pity and unconvincingly push his family away who still keeps coming back into his life. He has not done ANYTHING AT ALL worth noting or showinG he Deserves Cassidy. Seriously what has he actually done Thats warranted any big change? I hope this changes soon. Please give AdriAn a back bone and actual gumption to redeem himself. Still so proud of CassiDy for living her life 💘💕 Slaying the independent thing.

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Thanks for the chapter

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thank you for this update. I can't wait for the next one.


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon