
Comments of chapter undefined of Pay With Your Heart

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hi author! my exams got cancelled 4times in the past few months and they finally start next week. I'll be a graduate in English after this. I'll uninstall Webnovel cause this is a BIG distraction! so I'll see you on 17th June. please keep going. lots of love and power your way. I'll miss all your books 😭💜 when you reply I won't be using this app, so sorry for another late reply 😔 I hope to come online on 17June and see this book have 20+chapters and you in high spirits 💜💜💜💜

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heya Author! finally my exams ended! they got postponed once more but then it was fine. it wasn't a big gap! and they went well!❤️ i was reading this book! ahhhh soo much happened these days!!!!! am halfway there....the titles are soo intriguing...... i'm totally in love with these characters❤️

Da_Rose:Aww... I'm gonna miss you too. I guess I'm replying late and I probably won't get an answer till June but I don't mind. Goodluck on your exams, I'm certain you'll come out with distinctions all-round. I love you, so all the best. Waiting to see you soon. Love you😘💗

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Aw the friend face off for Eun-Sun😬😬we’ll see when In-Ha realizes it probably when Dan-Han actually starts dating her!


Love triangles are so hurtful, I really feel that Dan and Eun should get together as soon as possible. I feel for In-ha but I really wish our couple can be together...Sigh. 😔

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Now what. she finally admits her feelings and is ready to accept him will he back off now, or will he admit his feelings to in-Ha for himto bow out?


See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop