
Comments of chapter undefined of Re:The Worst System If I Level My Zombie Will Destroy The World

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If you want to go premium I think it would depend on the money involved, with the views on the book right now I don't think you will make a lot of money on patr eon. Thanks for the chapter.


I wouldn't mind either, but would you be fine releasing a lot of chapters like that if you go premium. A lot of authors get burnt out or lose motivation after rushing chapters.

MtAlternity:Let's say if premium, another 60 free chapters will come out in next month or two and then the rest will be locked but it will come out very quickly. Versus: The rest is free but comes out a bit more slowly and not on webnovel. Which one you want as a reader? I'm open to signing the contract tmw if that's what people want.

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first thanks for the chapter