
Comments of chapter undefined of Prince Of Waste. Reborn into Fallout as a Molag/Deathclaw

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In a way, we are all a slave to something, But, if we are strong enough, we can become our own masters. +10 Discipline +10 Spirit. +2 Wis.

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I'm happy to see you are getting your life together bro! Keep pushing forward, and never bend the knee to Slothfulness!

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I cannot even begin to describe how utterly humiliated I am. The truth is, I wanted to go through it after I finished to make myself look a bit more noble. But that would be a lie. It would make everything I was trying to say seem empty. This is my ugly truth. I am getting better, and with time, I will achieve greatness.

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You need to be very careful of who you hang around. People are like temperature. They influence each other. If you're at 100 degrees and your surrounded by a bunch of people at 40 degrees your temperature will undoubtedly fall to match their own. Often times, you won't notice it.... So, take the time to step back and analyze your situation. Do the people around you want to better themselves? Do they possess bad habits? Addictions? Do perceived friends act like friends? Do family actually possess familial values? If not, you might want to adjust how you interact with these kinds of people.

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I don't know how tô structure this comment só It may be confusing. I read It all, and I don't know why but i couldn't make myself leave this "chapter" without commenting some of my thoughts. If all this is true, then good job, and may your journey continue bringing improvements. About listening philosophy while in the gym, i never thought of It, but i prefer the silence because it's one of the few times i let go of my phone, but it's a good advice i'll try It, thanks. I thought about saying something like "be like Might Guy" then i saw your pic, don't know If you changed It after starting to change(that was an unintentional ironic/funny phrase)((was going to put just 'ironic/funny', but It could be understood the wrong way)) or If It was already like that, but It was interesting to see. it's always good to see a different perspective or experience, it's one of the main reasons i still read novels and fics, other than the minor(?) addiction, to see 'life' from different 'lenses'(don't know If this expression exists in english). Talking a little about my 'relationship' with self-improvement (again just doing whatever comes to mind), i loved the concept since i was a kid and tried to put It in practice by learning martial arts, but got frustrated when i saw It had a limit to how much the body could grow and stoped trying it all together, only starting again trying to improve after i made 19 yo after seeing there wasn't really a limit in the mind and 'spirit/character/self', even in the 'body' part i can always get better in how i use It, and even If there is it'll probably take all my life to reach If i ever do so why not give It a try, there's not much else to do in life anyway. DANM, It got so big I had to divide It into paragraphs....Sometimes I go on these crazy big tangents out of nowhere, i took 30 minutes to write itWell, If you read this all... thanks?

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Wow. That was raw and touching. Awesome turn around, always remember this life is yours and yours alone. I found out the hard way that no one has your back. Keep up the awesome work you will be happier because of it.👍

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New TITLE UNLOCKED "MC MINDSET, I AM THE MASTER OF MY OWN DESTINEY" But seriously I don't know many if any people that will say and do what you have done I myself have not found the strength to do this... but you have motivated me to find it... Thank you for this, I appreciate it, and I won't forget it.

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Well, I can say for certain I was not expecting to be teary eyed today.

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If only your characters were normally this long.

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I think every person should write down their life story for everyone to see so once others look at their story they realize they are not the only one who has troubles and maybe help each other out at least I hope people so that it would be nice to see how others view the world

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I have pretty bad confidence issues I guess so sorry if i don't say things right butt here goes if anything at all. I have found the bible to be the greatest motivational and inspirational thing to read ever but it is hard to read like really hard the king james version is at least. I truly believe that you have the talent or skil to be a great writer but how are you going about improving your soul because I truly believe in Jesus Christ we all need the peace that he can bring us. What your talking about is in the Bible. The bible describes what we are going through as going through the fire to come out the other side as wise men and to help pave the way for other's to follow behind us because Jesus has made the way to begin with. Sorry i forgot were I was going with all this.

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12 13 14 are duplicate chapters

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nice bro, hope you have a wonderful life


Halfway through I realized this wasn’t a new chapter