
Comments of chapter undefined of Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)


Honestamente autor si es que ya sabemos con quién se va quedar donde de interesante encontraríamos la historia? Aparte es tu obra quieran o no ellos solo pueden darte unas ideas si estas corras de ellas pero al fin y al cabo tú eres el autor no es así?


i really dont care as long as the story is interesting.


I honestly agree with what u said as the plot would get interesting. It would be better if she left the husband first before they got together.


Yufeng as love interest author......going this way would really be interesting......


Honestly, I see nothing with this pairing. It is refreshing to see something new, rather than getting a carbon copy of Yun Che in an SI-form with just more power-ups. Author, do w/e you feel comfortable with, I have no problem with this pairing.


yes author, your ideas in my opinion are great, everyone only focuses on the women who appeared in Yun chen's harem, although there are several others in the novel or even creating other characters to be love interests, as this is a fanfic just no longer being a copy of the original changing only the protagonist, for me it's perfect, do what you want.


It would be an original plot for sure! But the same can be said of him helping her in a platonic way. Tbh I would love the pair to be with Feng Xue'er because of her personality(she is the best girl hands down) and her connection with the spirit of the Phoenix which could be another plot device with Mc's spear or something like that. But you do you. You're the author and so should know best, but I have a preference for a non harem with Feng Xue'er.


and I for one dont give a shit if she was virgin or not think about in real life not all your gf or going to be virgins or won't have past relationships they are just asking for the impossible


Ima be honest, I find you to be a great author, you’ve made a really interesting fanfic. How? Well by doing what you want with the story and saying **** you to all the shit we’ve seen 100 times already. So just trust yourself, you’re a great author, while the people complaining arent even authors.


You are the author be bold with ideas and this is a fanfic you have my support


personally i prefer she becomes a friend rather than a love interest but do what you want, it's your novel


I say go for it. This ship is probably the most natural romance option that could happen to the mc as majority of the usual harem are teenagers or a cold assed otherworldy beauty which i don't see him getting together with. Yufeng on the otherhand is the same age as mc if you count in his past life and is more realistic than the other girls. Anyways author just do what you think is the best route, don't let the comments dictate the majority of the story. You can take inspirations from it but never let it choose the direction of your story.


AUTHOR PLEASE DO NOT BE INFLUENCED BY THE READERS. IT'S YOUR STORY AND YOU CAN MAKE THE PLOT YOU WANT !! In addition I am very, very much in agreement with your choice ... it made me appreciate your fiction even more ... with this choice you would be able to make it much more original and above all more 'yours'.


Dude!... Your novel... Your rules... Can't be any simpler really. 😂


you have been writing the MC as a mature guy untill now not a horny kid who just wants a harem so I'm fine with this different but refreshing direction


Eh **** me author, you are doing something new and I agree with the love interest, now if you had gone with someone similar in personality to Yun Che I'd say probably dont. but I think they make a good pair, and you can always make it a harem with like 1 or 2 more girls later if you choose to do so, considering it's your story


Do what you want; All that matters is if it is enjoyable or not. People dislike the idea of change and won't know if they want something until they have it.


I don’t like this development, it was all very suddenly due to the fact that mc and yufeng only spoke once, she already fell in love… if you wanted something different for your fanfic then create another OC character. I was enjoying the story but nothing was as strange as if it had taken away the idea of ​​yufeng out of nowhere.


To satisfy everyone you just need to put everyone in the harem


I support your choice, write the story the way you think best✌️


Take this about romance in ATG: 1.-Just dont make the love interest a liability readers hate that, a girl that get forgotten in the background. 2.-Be open minded about Relationships, here im not telling u to go harem route but this decision is the real reason most of the MC of cultivation novels are hated, they go to the girls that are not interested in them and behave like a setup doll. 3.-Right now you should focus more about the Phoenix Empire if i remember right these guy will try to rope him by any mean just for the rumor about he commanding the sun.