
Comments of chapter undefined of Harry Potter : A different tale

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its really interesting to read but he doesn't sound that intelligent to me he can remember everything that happen/ed but still doesn't take advantage of it he could've spent his time in the library reading about different stuff to get smarter but that didn't happen . he should've been more mature bcz of his memory but he seemed stupid tbh especially after taking the abuse silently ( he could've told the police about them ) and idk about your next chapters but if he's half smart as he's been portrayed he'll go back to diagon ally to buy more and ask about his money ( as to why they had his key while he didn't even know about it ) while generally its an interesting novel and a promising one , I really hope you'll continue writing it **: don't get mad over what I said its just my opinion and I don't mean to ridicule you bcz I know that writing novels is a truly hard thing to do


This mc is an idiot so please dont say he is intelligent.

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Thanks for the chapter on a good story