
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan


Your life seems like a plot to an anime


I read that thoroughly ... I can relate to your situation. Similar situation you know , instead of your father who is your support figure and handles everything related to financial problems & Mother runaway in your case ... in mine .. it's my Mother who handles everything related to financial problems with father being runaway. *Sigh* .. 😒😑😓 ... ... ... Anyway .. I can only wish and pray for you.


i am sorry for you man. and i hope that after all this hard work and umm difficult life u get the stable and peaceful life u deserve. dont give up and dont u dare suicide man. if one day u mysteriously disappear just like that then i will go look for u even if u suicided ill definitely bring u back to pummel sense in u. also dont let others actions affect u anymore. like u said there was only u and ur dad so others dont matter. dont let their words and actions discourage u and keep perservering with determination. use what they do or say against u and transform it into an advantage. personally, i myself became immune to the outside world and someone could die for all i care. but still when i see someone like u, i will encourage them whether their story is real or fake, so even if u dont take those encouragement to the heart. know that i take my words seriously. if not then why would someone like me write all this. so yeah, although i myself cant help u cuz of financial troubles and me being a kid too, know that i will support u mentally. like i once said to my little brother. 'Giving up and suiciding is for the weak. I would rather let someone kill me when he wants than to kill myself as it is shameful to suicide and give up. Suicide means bringing shame to those who grew u up and will be with u no matter what. It is as if u slapped them in the face publicly and said that what they did for u was useless.' So dont give up. even when i was in depression for about four years, i still kept going to school and although my results werent anything great i still didnt give up and i got rewarded. At my last year everyone thought i would fail but i passed. Although it was a miracle and nothing great and fancy as results, but i still passed and their smiles gave me courage and suiciding thoughts got destroyed immediately. the reason im tellling u this is cuz i want to show u that giving up in life makes life give up on u too. if i had suicided on the last day of the exams, my parents and brother would be depressed and not as happy as they r now, although we r having big trouble cuz of a greedy Bastard. so dont give up. altho i didnt have an as harsh life as u, i still know that u dont give up and thats what im saying. bexome the manipulator and master of ur life and dont let others dictate it. altho dont do anything criminal or dangerous ok! keep healthy and keep safe, thats all i can say.

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Thanks for sharing your life story and teaching me about being alive. I give you my respect.


Honestly your lucky compared to a lot of people; I honestly can’t tell if your trying to boast a sense of snobish superiority, or that you actually believe that Is worth ending it all over. You will get more chances, it’s pretty much a given it’s only a matter of time if you continue to better yourself. However going out of your way to complain about your grades that are way better than most people really is whiny, there is a lot of people that can’t even get grades like that. Of course I got a 94 in English, not that it even matters because it is my primary language. It will get better though, make sure to communicate with your relatives or someone irl, the internet is only a good place to get someone to give you false pity. Good luck!


. . . . . Life is indeed unfair


With these comments I feel like I miss something important

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Accept the friend request. The name is Cheddar. Lets talk


I don't know what to say but when compared to yours my life looks like better so i can't help u with money but i wish u good luck even though it might mean nothing and can't help u a bit but still o wish u good luck with all my heart


I actually had found this novel on machine translations or some such website before you started posting it here, but it was too hard to read so I stopped after a few chapters. I actually was quite thrilled when you started translating it because the quality is much better and easier to read. I actually hope that you are able to see this translation through to completion. I just woke up so just skimmed through this update a bit so not sure what is in it, I admit, but if people are bothering you about your translation the I hope that you are able to ignore such idiots. Just because another translation exists doesn't make it a good one. You are the only reason I get to enjoy this story.


I will pray for you. Thank you for sharing!


I feel like I missed something important, not sure about the details but I hope you're doing better now


is it deleted


cant patreon as i have no credit card


I'm quite late so idk the details, but from the comments of our ancestors, you seem to be suffering, so all i can say is that life is worth it, and just like everything else it its ups and downs, and that the downs will eventually come to an end.




Damn bro ur life story is JUst like a japanese protag stoRy SAD 😢 i soo want to help right now but i have no money no bank account no paypal no patreon hence unable to help hah! if i could help i swear by god i would have helped

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...MAY your life be BETTER, may you and your family be better and safe, HEALTHY, ALIVE, With Life in Hope, may you and your father be, be protested with God, I may not have been through what you have been through, but I know for what you said it was not easy what you had to face, you are better than me in this, I'm glad you didn't give up, because in the end you have someone, someone who will love you forever ..... I didn’t say that much awui a long time ago, but even if it’s just the words of someone who didn’t pass what you did ...., Stay Well, life isn’t always fair, but we can at least try to do something ... ... Live the life..............,.................


I am sorry if I may seem insensitive; I have low EQ. What I am really interested in is the part where you said you want to build a VRMMORPG. I wanna know, are you hoping to put the very consciousness of a person into the game, like let's say Assassin Creed Valhalla. You want to put a person's consciousness into the Avatar and have them play as if they are in real life? If the answer is ye, I will really hope you all the best and throw in some goodwill too. Also, having those marks in my school would have made you a genius. African schools are mentally draining and almost completely unpassable.