
Comments of chapter undefined of My Atypical Wolf (BL)


Come back Ashton!! They both need you in their lives, we all miss you very deeply. đŸ€§đŸ˜­ I hope your ok and you also think about Caleb. Also has Caleb talked about Ashton to Conner, about his father? Oh and Conner, don’t listen to those kids and just know that it’s ok to be different even you might be a wolf too but your still human. Nothing bad comes with being different. As Caleb said, your perfectly normal.😁

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I miss Ashton!!! 8 years is just so long...he has missed so much. Caleb misses him 😭 We need Ashton back!!!


Reveal fast Author! ! I miss him and Caleb and Connor too. Asthon came back fast and see you son just like you.

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Leave Sillymlk alone, foul evilness!! The readers compel you!!! Release Sillymlk to bring back Ashton!!!

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The difference that Connor feels, is it the difference between a normal wolf and Ashton's kind? If that's the case, why isn't Caleb explaining to him that these traits were inherited from Ashton? Also, how much does Connor know about Ash? I'm really curious. Ashton missed out on seven years of his son's life. Eight, if you include the pregnancy. And that's something he can never get back. He's probably gonna regret it so much. Also, I kind of blame Ashton. Caleb had to go through his pregnancy without his mate. And that too, it wasn't a planned one. I know he has his and Ashton's family with him, but that cannot replace the presence of his mate. Even if it's not Ashton's fault, I still blame him. Cuz that's the kind of petty person I am. Also, when I imagine a scenario where Ashton didn't leave, I can hear him freaking out when he knows his mate is pregnant. I'm mean, he's still in college. And he's going through a tough time trying to figure out who he is. Adding a baby to the mix, Ashton would have had a panic attack. I hope that in these eight years, he has matured enough to become a father to our lovely Connor. But no matter how mature and cool headed he's become, he would probably never expect a son. I wanna know how he'll react when he learns about the existence of Connor.


This is getting depressingđŸ˜„I can't help but feel sad for both Caleb and Connor. I wonder if he told him how he was born and who his father is. I hope he didn't lie to him in the name of "I don't want to hurt you" coz it's sad to grow up not knowing who your other parent is.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon



I badly want to know Caleb's Pregnancy journey...and of course Ashton come back in one piece with memories intact.. Caleb's waiting with your 7 years old bundle of joy.


I want Ashton back. Him and Caleb made a good couple. Hope he waited for Caleb like he's waited for Ashton. Have a feeling you're going to tell us that Ash found his fated mate and that would suck