
Comments of chapter undefined of Mason Aves: The Wizard [DROPPED]


I'm still here waiting

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what do u mean why!? am still following this cause I hope...NAY I PRAY this fic will someday reach a conclusion! loved this fic!


man why did you give me hope? Will try and come up with something

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Jahh this book is pretty nice^^ Self-Biokinesis?

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Multiple man Elixir Chamber North Star Prodigy If you really make one of these powers that main 'thing' it would be really cool to read, and if you do, try tow not to go the easy route of the mc 'using' really common powers -serums, sorcery, stones...Even if the mc has a really cool power... To not even see that power being used...


use the drug shown in Lucy or maybe make him a alien hybrid from Ben 10 or maybe biokenises

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Give him Copy & Paste power along with Full analysis. Or you can make it Cut & Paste... So, he can only take powers from non-canon characters or villains or people who are going to die...

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These powers I'm suggesting are seen around a lot but I rarely ever see them used to there extreme potential so I believe they are seriously powerful but also seriously overlooked accumulative adaptation = infinite growth of strength toughness intellect yet most cases of characters with adaptive type powers tend to not push themselves to grow or the get curb stompings for " plot related reasons " healing = depending upon how the healing power works there are usually a lot of ways it could be used to make a character more powerful but for some reason the healers never seem to use the " power ups " on themselves Power Nullification = no one gets to use there special powers now this actually one of the most overpowered types of power out there in its extreme form as it could basically " make mortals of gods " so great for one on one among power users but not terribly good for warfare in the grander settings

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state-of-matter manipulation. there's a huge knowledge requirement for the really OP stuff. sure, you can just turn an object into solid\liquid\gas\plasma, but when you can selectively do specific elements- you can get creative. pure metal for projects, shorting electrical systems, chemistry, etc .

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Welcome back For the underrated power, what about the Waffler's from Mystery men? XD jokes aside How about the power of Swordsmanship or Wuxia? I haven't found a good Wuxia power oriented MC in Marvel or HP.


How about energy based powers like in dragonball.

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Welcome back

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Welcome baack!!!

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i liked this novel very much but looking at what you Just wrote with why. i have no Idea a part of me wants to still hope this novel is ging to start again. but its a Shane to queit but if that's the only option than zo be it

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energy transfer and energy control (** energy pool store energy that can transform into any type of energy) this would basically let him transform one energy to another and control that energy let's say someone punched MC he could then transform the Kinect energy into ki magic dimensional energy but that's easier said on paper than it is an actual fight perfectly timing opponent strike to transfer the physical energy into one's reserve would have to be perfectly timed not only that he would have to do the place where he would strike if not he wouldn't get any connect energy or worse he would absorb the friction from the floor making it detrimental it has huge room for growth like you could transfer stamina into mind energy energy to figure out telekinesis or transfer magic into pure connect energy for super Punch or transfer in enemy attack into your own reserves everything that's easier on paper than in reality because if he has to do much energy he'll explode not to mention he has to think in new milliseconds what he's going to transfer to and what energy his opponent is using like if it's a magic attack then he has to think magic attack to what energy he's trying to transfer in

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-resonance or amplification. Can amplify other creature's abilities for a short duration. Can be only used on others.

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-something like Сaptain Jack Sparrow's compass? -harmony. Harmonization of everything to the most beneficial outcome for everyone involved(the complexity of target(s),their number, their structure and Way in the Soul of the World, desired outcome, situation at hand - all of these influences power and time cost, so it scales from small things, done in a minute with barely any effort to long days of meditative and thorough preparation). Kinda like a precognition BUT it is more of tuning yourself to the feeling of the world around you, and concentrating on doing only good things. Kinda like Felix Felicis, but a lt more restrictive AND rewarding... specialized though.

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Well I would prefer rewrite of this story. I didn’t really like the addition of Dorea to the relationship. Even if her character was very fun in the story. Helena was great choice, very original. (#NoToHarem) Also I didn’t see the point of him being Brit version of The Captain... He could just copy the formula and the design of the equipment... no need to become public figure just yet. Learning Mystic Arts NOT from the Ancient One was also better and novel idea. But maybe he became OP too quickly. Well him and Helena could always jump dimensions or something. I always liked that idea (but without harem, which is really rare for some reason). So please consider the rewrite of this story.

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your work is good i dont see why you stopped but best of luck whatever you do

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Simple reason why we believe in you. your pretty decent as a writter. yes there’s a few mistakes but those mistakes were pretty much expected in fanfiction. so do believe me when i say this. your good.

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Medaka the end or an other abnormal like her brother, sister